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(all in jean's pov)

*the same night, before the gala*

The balcony provided a perfect vantage point to watch the sun's descent on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the landscape. With a cigarette dangling between his lips, he reached into his pocket for his lighter, the flame flickering to life as he brought it to the tip of the cigarette. Inhaling deeply, he let the smoke swirl around him before exhaling slowly, lost in the tranquility of the moment.

A voice broke the silence from behind, and he turned to see Reiner approaching. "Hey, Jean, you ready to go?" he inquired. With a smile, he replied, "I'm always ready," earning a chuckle from Reiner in response. "Right," he muttered, falling into step beside him as he made his way to the waiting car.

Settling into the driver's seat, he took another drag from his cigarette, the glowing ember casting a warm light in the gathering dusk. Reiner occupied the passenger seat, a familiar presence beside him as he started the engine and pulled away from the curb.

Over the hum of the engine, Reiner spoke up, breaking the silence. "Floch gets to marry Martin's daughter, Y/n, as part of the deal they made," he informed him. His grip tightened on the wheel, the cigarette momentarily forgotten as his words sank in. "Seriously?" he exclaimed, one hand instinctively reaching to remove the cigarette from his mouth, the other remaining steady on the wheel. "That marriage is not going to end well."

"Yes, seriously, what makes you think it's gonna go badly? Jealous?" Reiner snickers, his brows furrowed in response. "What? No. I just think Floch won't treat her great."

"Yeah, but that's not our problem," Reiner shrugs. Jean rolled his eyes and took a puff from the cigarette. "And what makes you think I would be jealous?" he asks, blowing out the smoke and keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"Didn't you used to be friends with her when you were teenagers? And you had the hots for her," Reiner grins, earning a glare from Jean as he gritted his teeth. "I regret telling you that." His eyes avert back to the road ahead, Reiner stifles a laugh. "Bring that up to anyone else, I will kill you."

"Alright, Alright," Reiner laughs again, "I was just joking around, you take everything so literally."

"Mhm. Well, in this business, we kinda have to," he grumbles.

As multiple other black cars pull up into the car park, mostly filled with Floch's men, he notices a few unfamiliar faces, assuming they're Martin Ackerman's guys.

Not long passed before Reiner and he were making their way to the V.I.P area where Floch would be. They had to stick by his side practically all night for his "protection". Reiner and he were second in charge, so if Floch wasn't around, they always called the shots.

"Martin Ackerman and Y/n Ackerman will be here soon until then stick by my side and then I'll tell you when you can go enjoy yourselves," Floch stated with a smile, to which Reiner and Jean nodded in agreement.

It wasn't long until more people arrived. His eyes scanned through the growing crowd of people, and then he saw her. She wore a long black dress with a slit that went up one of the sides, revealing her multiple flower tattoos that extended up to her thigh, with a strip of writing running through it. The dress was low-cut, showcasing her tattoos along her collarbone. Her (h/c) hair was down and curled, complemented by red lipstick and smokey eyeshadow. She looked incredible. He quickly noticed her eyes on him, but he played it off and pretended to look ahead.

"Good Evening, gentlemen. This is my daughter, Y/n," Martin greeted them.

At first, he didn't even recognize her. She had changed a lot since the last time he saw her.

Reiner held out his hand shaking hers, "I'm Reiner Braun, Nice to meet you." Her attention then went to Floch, he then took her hand and kissed it. "I'm Floch Forster, Pleasure" He grinned, a wave of anger almost building up inside of him, not liking how he greeted her. She laughed awkwardly "A pleasure to meet you too."

Her attention finally focuses on Jean, I take her hand and shake it, her eyes meet with mine. "And you are?" She asked.

"Jean. Jean Kirstein."

"It's nice to meet you.." She smiled as they maintained eye contact, her e/c eyes were mesmerising. She was still as beautiful as I remember.

Floch signaled for Reiner and him to leave, although he didn't want to leave her with him. He was his boss, so there wasn't anything he could do, even if he didn't trust him.

Reiner and he walked over to the refreshments table. "Do you still have the hots for Martin Ackerman's daughter then?" Reiner snickered as he poured two glasses of champagne for them. "What?" He laughed as he took the glass of champagne. Reiner raised the glass to his lips and took a sip. "I saw the way you were looking at her," he said, taking a sip from his glass. "Sure..whatever."

A while had passed, and everyone was now sitting at their designated tables. He was seated next to Floch, and Reiner was seated on the other side of him. As toasts were finally all made, everyone went back to their conversations. His eyes averted over to Y/n, her eyes met with his, and he ever so slightly smiled at her. She radiated beauty. If he could only look at one person for the rest of his life, it would be her.

He went back to his conversation and broke the gaze they shared.

The evening moved along quickly, the gala was finally over and they headed over to the nightclub where the after-party was at.

As the evening became nighttime, he was now leaning against the bar with a glass of whiskey, watching as people danced on the dance floor. It wasn't too interesting until he saw her.

She was dancing against her friend, all he could do was focus on her, Sasha ended up walking away and now it was only Y/n. Time to make my move...

He started to approach the familiar h/c woman. Her eyes finally met with his, and she began dancing, caressing her curves to the rhythm of the music. A few words were exchanged, and it wasn't long until she signaled for him to approach her. His hands found their place upon her hips as they moved together on the dance floor. Her back was against him, and he could feel the contours of her body. In that moment, it felt as though she was the only person in the room with him.

She turned around to face him, and everything seemed to slow down. Even up close, her beauty didn't fail to amaze him. Having someone so familiar this close was comforting. Their eyes remained locked as they continued to dance to the song, their faces drawing closer, their lips almost touching. But then, it stopped. Her finger pressed against his lips, and a few more words were exchanged. She turned away and walked back into the crowd, leaving him stunned. That is one hell of a woman...

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄, Jean K.Where stories live. Discover now