𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | back in time

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I wanted to take a different approach with this chapter so I hope you like it! :))

same warnings as usual, dark content ahead, contains mature themes such as toxic relationships, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol use, etc.

stay safe and enjoy! <3

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The nightclub was still loud, more gunshots were fired. Your heart skipped a bit at hearing the loud noises; this is something you would never get used to.

Music was still blaring through the building even though an attack was going on. The smell of weed and sweat was still prominent. You looked around at many people fighting. You quickly scanned the area, trying to spot anyone on your side or Marley's. It wasn't long until you spotted Eren; he had just whacked a guy on the head with his gun, knocking him out cold. He was quickly grabbed by a tall, rough-looking man — who had been in quite a tussle before striking an attack on Eren.

The man started choking him, he was struggling due to how much buffer and taller the man was compared to him. Of course, you weren't just going to stand there. You ran over to them and shot the man right in the head. You weren't one to compliment yourself, but you had a good aim, mostly because of Sasha's help. She's never missed a shot, not ever. The man's body dropped onto the floor. Eren stayed put, resting one of his hands on his throat as he tried to catch his breath. You approached him quickly, "Eren, are you okay?"

Eren nodded, looking back at you, "Yeah, I owe you one.." He smiled. "Don't sweat-" You were quickly cut off by Eren, "Y/N! Look out!"

A large, muscular bald male was behind you, about to knock you out with his gun. You quickly turned around and grabbed his arm. You swiped your leg under him as he fell, then kneed him in the face. You flipped him around so he was in front of you and held his neck down, your other hand pulling his arm back to restrict him as much as possible. Eren grinned, "Badass," nodding his head until he got tackled down by someone. He had a mask on his face, which was strange as the others didn't. Who was he trying to disguise himself from so badly?

You moved to help him until you were stopped in your tracks when a bullet flew past you into the wall. You looked over and saw another person with a mask on. Did they intentionally miss you on purpose, or was it just a close call?

You quickly turn to look at Eren. He has managed to flip the guy on top of him, so he was pinned down to the floor. You look back to where the other person was standing, but they were gone. You blink to see if your head was playing tricks on you, but they had disappeared. Another gunshot is fired, but this time, it goes straight through Eren's lower arm, causing him to collapse. Your eyes widen at the sight, and you rush to help him for the third time.

Someone grabs your whole body and starts pulling you back. "Eren!" you yell. "Get up." You struggle as you get pulled back, not even bothering to check who grabbed you; you needed to help Eren. The man with the mask pushes him off and kicks Eren in the stomach, knocking him onto his back.

"Eren!!" You screamed, you were in complete distress.

Everything begins to feel like it's in slow motion as you watch Eren get beaten to the ground. His eye becomes red and swollen, his nose dripping with blood down onto the floor. Whoever has their grip on you is strong and isn't letting you go anytime soon.

As the chaos unfolded around you, the world seemed to slow down to a crawl, each moment stretching out into eternity. The once bustling nightclub now felt eerily silent, the only sound being the pounding of your heart in your ears. The sensation of grief began to overtake your entire body, weighing you down with a heavy sense of despair. You had no idea if you were going to see Eren alive again, and the thought filled you with a deep sense of dread.

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄, Jean K.Where stories live. Discover now