𝐒𝐈𝐗 | horseface

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As the party wound down, you found yourself unable to locate Sasha, assuming she had left with that blonde guy. Sitting in the back of the limo with Eren and Mikasa, you pondered Connie's whereabouts.

"So, where's Connie?" you inquired. "He left with some girl," Eren chuckled. You rolled your eyes, sharing a laugh. "No surprise there."

"And where's Sasha?" Eren raised a brow. "She went home with this cute blonde," you snickered. "Ooo, good for her," Mikasa smiled, while Eren nodded, adding, "it's about time," before joining in the laughter.

Upon returning, you bid farewell to everyone and headed to your room. Taking off your dress, you entered the bathroom for a refreshing shower. Emerging from the cascading water, you settled onto your bed, a towel enveloping your body. After slipping into your cozy pajamas, you reclined on the bed, only to be surprised by the buzzing of your phone.

Unknown Number
you're still as annoying as I remember

who's this?

You snicker at your phone knowing it was Jean, as he always used to say that all the time when you. were teens.

Unknown Number
haha. real funny, princess

princess? really? of all nicknames, you pick that one🤨

Jean K
guess that's the one I'm sticking with

wow. what happened to the gentleman I was with earlier?

Jean K
your free trial has expired. sorry, love

wow, real cute
so why exactly did you text me? how did you even get my new number?

Jean K
through Floch, I just wanted to give you a heads up

aw. look at you caring about little frail old me🥰

Jean K
y/n. I'm serious, I know you can look after yourself but I just need to warn you about floch, he's a lot more dangerous than you think.

Alright, fine. how is he "a lot more dangerous" than I think?

Jean K
we should talk in person, in case anyone taps into our phones, even just being in this business puts us in danger 24/7

yeah, you make a good point. delete my number and this conversation for now

Jean K
alright, see you soon princess ;)

yeah, yeah, bye horse face 🙄

Jean K
I can't believe you remember that >:(


It felt strange reconnecting with him after such a long time, but it was a pleasant experience.

A week rushed by in a blur, the sunlight sneaking past your curtains to gently rouse you from sleep. The tranquil atmosphere of your room was abruptly shattered by Sasha's exuberant entrance, leaping onto your bed. "GOOD MORNING, Y/N!"

You groaned, pushing her away as you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and shooting her a half-hearted glare. "It's too early," you grumbled, to which she responded with a cheerful giggle. "Yeah, but you've got stuff to do," she reminded you.

You furrowed your brow, still trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "Like what?" you questioned, until it hit you like a ton of bricks. Last night, Floch had messaged you about a "date" at his nightclub.

"Oh, crap... I forgot about the date at Floch's nightclub," you muttered, running a hand over your face. "YEAH, Y/N. YOU GOT A DATE!" Sasha exclaimed, her excitement palpable. You let out another groan, sinking back into your bed. "Do I really have to go?"

Sasha chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "I don't think your father would be too thrilled if you skipped out," she pointed out. "Yeah, you're probably right," you sighed, contemplating the upcoming evening. "Do you not like Floch?" Sasha inquired, curiosity evident in her tone.

"It's not that I dislike him, I just don't really know him," you explained, reclining against the plush headboard of your bed and meeting Sasha's gaze. "And let's be real... he's got that Ken doll vibe from Toy Story."

Sasha erupted into laughter. "Y/N, seriously!" she exclaimed between giggles.

"What? It's true," you chuckled along with her. "But who knows, maybe if I spend more time with him, I'll warm up to him."

Sasha offered a reassuring smile. "Exactly! Give him a chance."

After a while of chatting with Sasha, you changed into some comfortable attire and relaxed for a bit. Before long, there was a knock at the door, and Levi's voice came through. "Come in," you called out, and Levi entered the room.

"Sasha, Connie needs you downstairs," Levi informed her, to which Sasha nodded in acknowledgment. "Got it. See you later, Y/n," she said, offering you a warm smile before leaving the room.

You rose from your bed, meeting Levi's gaze. "What did you need?" you inquired.

"Your father wants to speak with you before your date with Mr. Forster tonight," he replied in his usual stoic tone.

"Ah, alright." You noticed him holding a clothing case, likely containing a dress. "I'm guessing that's mine for tonight?"

Levi nodded, handing over the dress. "Oh yes. I'm sure you can style the rest yourself and look presentable," he remarked, crossing his arms.

"Duh, of course, I can. I always look presentable," you affirmed, but his next comment caught you off guard. "Not in that outfit," he added bluntly, causing your jaw to drop in mock surprise.

"Wow, Levi. Aren't you a real charmer," you teased, managing to coax a small smile out of him. "I know. Now, be ready by 6. Alright?"

"Got it," you replied with a smile. "I'll be back then."

With Levi's departure, you settled at your vanity, meticulously applying your makeup and curling your hair. Once done, you slipped into the black silk slip dress, its fabric hugging your curves perfectly. Adding a pair of silver strap heels, you admired yourself in the mirror. Glancing at the clock on the wall, you realized an hour had flown by.

[5:57 pm]

You finished getting ready just in time, knowing Levi would be arriving in precisely 3 minutes. He was extremely punctual; you couldn't afford to be late when it came to Levi.

As predicted, three minutes later, you heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" you called out, turning your attention toward the entrance. Levi walked in, clad in his usual attire of a black button-up shirt and dress pants. "Are you ready? Your father wants to see you now," he said in his monotone voice. You nodded in response. "Yep. Lead the way."

Approaching the large doors to your father's office, Levi knocked. "Y/n is here," he announced in his usual manner.

"Let her come in! Get the car ready!" your father's voice echoed from within. Levi nodded and held the door open for you. Stepping inside, the door shut firmly behind you. You made your way to your father's desk and took a seat in the chair facing him.

Swallowing nervously, you made eye contact with your father. His expression remained as serious as ever, his demeanor unreadable. No one could predict what he would say next or what he might do. That unpredictability was what made him so intimidating.

HEYY GUYS! I'm sorry this has taken so long to publish, I've been busy with work and college but here it is😩 hope you enjoyed it, the next chapter will be soon I promise 💅🏻🙏🏻

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄, Jean K.Where stories live. Discover now