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Ok, so this is a fallout story, and I have a few vault ideas, but want to hear some of yours. They may appear in the story later on, they might not. You can do anything, from a new idea, an old idea, a twist on a pre-existing vault, just 1 rule, do NOT have it be an instant death vault

Idea 1: A vault that is has the water supply drugged with a chemical compound that supresses testosterone, along with the vault suits being an old fashioned swimsuit style, in which the sleeves are shorter and the pants are shorts. 

(AKA, FEMBOI vault)

Reason: see what happens to a population lacking a traditionally masculine population.

Idea 2: A vault given facilities developed in pre-war america that is similar to the institute, able to clone/create lifelike cyborgs, along with a brain scanner. The vault has 2 overseers, 1. general population 2. Cyborg Population. Security is to follow both orders, however, the vault has a strict hierarchy, that must be followed.

1. Overseers
2. Department Heads: Security, Maintenance and Scientific
3. Security officers, maintenance workers, scientists
4. Population

The population is to be separated into human and cyborg populations. experiment is both overseers are tasked to get their population in control of the other's side. 

Reason: insite constant paranoia into the population

Idea 3: A vault where the population is restricted from traditional reproductive activities, and instead the residents require all reproduction to be done by artificial insemination. The vault suits are also replaced with variants specially designed to maximize sex-appeal to the opposite sex

Men's vault suits: A top tightly fitting shirt that only goes to the chest, does not cover the arms or abdomen, bottoms that can be described as booty shorts, and boots.

Women's vault suit: A tight bikini top that covers the breast, connected to a set of sleeves. The bottoms are a set of backless tight shorts (like chaps, but shorts) and heels.

Security Specialized equipment: Handcuffs, a baton, gags, blinders, and restraints that suspend the rule breaker.
"The cage"- specially designed chastity device that prevents stimulation
"The Horse" a mechanical device that shocks the groin
"The Rack" a structure that restricts movement and places the subject into the fetal position, while suspended 

Maintenance Specialized equipment: baseball cap, towel, knee/elbow pads, goggles, utility/tool belt.

Science team Specialized Equipment: Labcoat (short), Safety glasses, gloves (Latex). Brain washing equipment/techniques

Specialized Vault areas
Public Dormitory: no separation of residents
Public Wash Centers: No separation of residents
Public jail viewing area: Rule Breakers are displayed

Special rules
Only the overseer knows the meaning behind donor numbers
NO sex for reproductive means is allowed (AKA, no vaginal sex)
All repopulation/vault growth is to be done by Artificial Insemination, all sperm is anonymously donated by male residents
No breaking Civil laws (murder, theft, assault, standard laws) punishment is 10 days in the jail

No Breaking the sexual laws (no natural reproduction)

1st offence: 5 strikes to the groin from security, 1 week in jail
2nd offence: 10 strikes to the groin from security and 1 year in "the cage", 2 months in jail
3rd offence: Banishment from the vault, gender reassignment surgery along with memory replacement programs or, classification as a "relief object"

1st offense: 5 minutes on the horse, 1 week in jail
2nd offense: 2 days in the rack, public humiliation and public use as a relief object
3rd offense: Banishment from the vault of reclassification as a "Relief object"

Special program
Relief object- 2 types
Grade B- Artificial objects that are used for Insemination of females and extracting biological material from males.

Grade A- Real people who have had their ability to have children removed by having their tubes tied (a term that fits both men and women), and 1 month has passed. All rights as humans have been removed, treating them more like pets.

Reason: Testing ability to resist hormonal and visual sexual stimulation and morality of the residents.

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