Vault 93

765 7 0

Vault 93
Location: Unknown
Date of Closing: October 23, 2077
Date of Opening: January 1st, 2300
Connection to Server: DISCONNECTED: Connection Lost: October 4th, 2250



>Head of Security

>Chief Medical Officer

>Access Overseer 

Alice Brown- 2077-2120
Lydia John- 2120-2197
Gracie Foster- 2197-22

Alice Brown

Log 1

The bombs have fallen, I had all the males taken into the chamber that would seal. They are not important to the vault's survival after genetic material is gathered. I have opened my instructions and found the experiment. 

"Orders from Vault Tec HQ: Vault 93 is to be inhabited by solely females. We have placed chemicals that will suppress any testosterone, and will create a population of solely females. In the Medical wing, you shall find the Mark 3 Auto-Doc with a special modification. This will allow the creation of a false-phallic in females. The Experiment shall be to sustain and survive without males."

I have also found that we have several Mister Handies and Protectrons that were specially modified to allow insemination....and jesus some of these robots have huge god damn cocks. I have a personal Mr Handy that has a cock that measures a foot long and 3 inches thick.

I have good news, most of the staff is present, we did however not have time for Chief Engineer Tara Lowe to get here, poor thing must have been banging on the vault door for hours like a half dozen others. We promoted the next person in line as instructed.

As for the experiment, I am happy to report that we have thankfully had success with the acceptance of the "men got sick during screening and are being in quarantine for a month". So while the men are jerked, fucked and drained of all genetic material, we have a vault filled with women, who are now going to be influenced into more sexual and voyeuristic actions.

Log 2

It has been roughly 2 years into the experiment and we have succeeded in eliminating every male and having the female population accept the new situation, where there are no men. We have yet to reveal to the rest of the vault the sex bots, Me and my heads of staff are still having our fun, and we have plenty of genetic material in the freezer. 

Video File 1

Overseer Alice Brown is seen bent over her desk, her vault suit open exposing her breasts, which are swinging, as she pants. The "Mr. Handsy" as it has been dubbed, is behind her, using the rubber dildo to pump in and out of the overseer at an impressive speed. Her tongue hangs out of her mouth as two mechanical suction cups come to her breasts and suction onto her nipples, pulling on them.

"Don't stop, increase speed to 75%!" She said, nearly screaming.

"Yes ma'am!" the robot said, before Alice began to sway forward and back faster. 

"Oh god, this is amazing, I can't wait to see what a real one feels like." She cried out, as the robot started to pump the dick faster and faster inside of her. The video cuts suddenly.

Log Chief medical Officer

Entry 1

The Auto doc seems to work fine, and has correctly been modified to allow the growth of phalluses on the female body, though it takes the inability to give birth at the cost of continued survival. I have augmented the majority of my staff along with myself, and have reached a conclusion of position in the vault is proportional to dick size 

I myself have a cock that is 10 inches in length and 2.5 inches in girth. Most of my staff have measured between 8 to 5.5 inches in length, and a girth of 2 to 1.25 inches. We are about to introduce the machine to the public of the vault.

Recovered video from vault security system
Date: 6/19/2109
Time: 3:45 PM

A large fight seems to have broken out between the two factions, those who are still female and those who underwent Futanari conversion. Combatants are unarmed and are fighting each other. Several punches are thrown, before it seems that a woman kicks a futanari in the cock, making her fall to the ground and cupping her cock. It is then shown that the woman had a dildo hidden in her vault suit and has stripped the futanari. 

The woman had tied straps to the dildo and put it on, before she began to fuck the futanari in the ass. Several other women beat and tie down the futanari, before they start to either fuck them with what appears to be make shift dildos and sex toys, or use the futanari in a way leaving them in charge. 

Several Futanari were held up so their legs pointed up as the women bounced and sat on the cock of the futa. Their tits bounced wildly as the fight became an orgy. 

>End of Video

Lydia John

Log 1

I have become overseer and I am fucking pissed! Vault Tec did this on purpose and now the old Overseer is dead, I got picked, I might as well make a few new changes since I'm in charge. 

>Vault Wide Message

"Attention a few changes will be made. All Futanari will no longer be apart of command staff, and no longer allowed to have any high position of the vault overseer council. All of those who have undergone the Futa Conversion shall now no longer have to wear Jumpsuits, as they will not be servants to non futa women. A Futa shall live with their owner(s) as marriage between women is now allowed"

>Data files corrupt

Last recorded message

"Full revolt, fucking happening everywhere, fish and iron is all that we smell now after they air filters were busted by a orgy in the air filtration room. Can't escape, futa's fuck everything they see. Robots busted, locked in office. Send help!!!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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