Vault 65

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The Raider Gang, known as the Iron Cagers, began to place explosives on a vault door, several mini-nukes were set and wired, before wire was set up and everyone moved to cover, several hundreds of yards away. They pushed down on the blunger and the explosives went off, blowing the door's locks off, The raiders hooked the door and pulled the door out, and opened the door.

The raiders walked in, smiling. The gang had come to take a prize they learned from a captured trader.

-Days before-

Cage sat on a iron throne, holding a shot gun. He held the trader at gun point and looked at him.

"Wait! No! Don't kill me! I can tell you about a Vault, one with a lot of women, all of them are beautiful women! Not a man in sight! I can give you the location, but I don't think you can get in easily, they have cameras all along the entrance area." The trader said, scared.

Cage signaled for the man to be released. He began to run away. As he got further and further away, Cage signaled, and another raider, Scope, shot the trader in the head.

"Code, take some boys to the vault tec building, find the location. We're taking ourselves some toys." Cage commanded.

-back to present-

As the door was knocked down, Cage and several of his men walked in to the entrance area. The forced the door open and walked deeper and deeper. Before they knew it, the raiders were in the atrium, without a single shot fired.

"Must be a bunch of dumb broads here. Gather everyone up! We have a new base!" Cage announced.

Cage smiled and entered the Overseer's office, seeing a thin, wide hipped figure wearing a set of shorts that made the ass look bigger. Cage grabbed them and put a gun to their back.

"Tell everyone to meet in the atrium, or else you won't be walking." Cage ordered.

"Y...yes sir. but gentle, it's my first time." the overseer said, pushing their ass out and pressing against his crotch.

Cage smirked.

"Not just beautiful, but also willing, makes this easier, take off the blue. over the desk." Cage commanded.

The overseer pressed a button.

"Attention, all residents, report to the atrium." the overseer said into a microphone.

The unzipped the vault suit and slowly sliding it down, until it dropped to the ground. The overseer walked over to the desk. Cage smirked, walking to the chair and sitting down, before taking his cock out, and then he noticed.....the overseer had a dick, it was small....but he had a dick. He also noticed the pink....tight looking asshole.

"Ah what the hell? Why not." He thought, before grabbing the hips of the overseer and pushing into the hole. 

The Overseer moaned as his hole was being stretched by the hard cock that now found it's home in his body. Cage grabbed his hips and began to pound away at the back side. Overseer Gabriel was feeling powerless, and could see as the people he was responsible for were beginning to gather in the atrium, and held at gun point by their new owners.

"Fuck! Fuck! I'm going to cum!" The overseer moaned, before he shot a rather pathetic load of cum out on the view port, for every dweller and raider to see.

Cage pulled out and made the overseer clean his cock, for everyone to see, before he grabbed the intercom.

"Listen up fuck wits, you're going to start serving us like god damn kings, so here's the rules. You disobey us, we will beat you till you listen, we tell you to do something, you god damn better do it. We want to fuck you, well open wide cause we don't give options heres." He said. smirking, and stepping out, to pick his own gallery of fuck toys to play with.

Journal of Cage

Day 42

Some of my guys are starting to seem weird, their gear isn't fitting quite right, saying its tight. I told them at eating all all that pre-war shit is bad for them, making them go soft on me. I've been living like a god damn king here. I fuck a new toy nearly every night, eat the best food that we steal and drink all the booze and radiation free water I want. Maybe I should have an old gym raided, starting to feel a bit week, and I need to keep up my strength so no idiot thinks of taking my damn throne.

Day 61

Ok this is getting weird, Maybe it's the eating healthy food shit, maybe it's the lack of radiation, but my hair is growing like crazy. I had to get it cut more times recently than I have ever needed before. Something is up and the twink of a cocksleeve Gabriel is hiding something on his terminal, cant access it due to a code he said he lost. Fuck.......even the guys are starting to look soft, their are changing the gear too, no metal, replacing it with the leather shit, says it's too heavy. I'm starting to feel the weight too, fuck....this gear is bothering me.

Day 75

I think something is up with this place, I know my guys were bigger before we came here. I knew the size of my dick before, and now it's getting smaller. I need to get answers from Gabriel, I know he's hiding something. He's doing something too us. Fuck......his ass is just so soft and warm, I just can't focus when I'm in the same room, he smells so good. What the heck am I saying, I need to get answers

Day 90

I think I should change the gang's name. Vault Cagers, that seems fine. Besides, I think we are done raiding, it's too much work to go out and fight those big dangerous mutants and other raiders. A lot of the boys have started to wear the vault suits too. They are comfey, and show off our bodies well. I also am tired of fucking the other dwellers, so, maybe I should disband the gang anyways, most of them don't even bother with the guns or weapons, no one has use for chems, after we got cured of our addition to them by the doc.

Day 103

I don't like the name Cage anymore, I think I'll just go with my real name, Danny, it's less threatening. I also have apologized for all the mean things I did back when I first came here. I feel silly, trying to be the big man with the gun, threatening people. Thankfully we were able to fix the vault door before anything bad happened. Hopefully I can be accepted, the rest of the gang has....maybe if I offer everyone some fun times they wont have me thrown out of the vault. I like it here, especially Gabriel, he said if I am nice to everyone, I can take it from behind this time, after all, it's only fair.

Vault 65's Experiment

Vault 65 is outfitted with a chemical concoction, that is released into the water supply by the water purification system. Over a span of 100 days, will remove 95% of all testosterone from the body and block the majority of the brains ability to produce it. The chemical concoction also has effects of changing the body in small ways, decreasing height, increase of body fat to the gluts, thighs and region around the waist. 

The effect on males has a over all decrease in muscle mass, shrinking of genitalia size, increase softness of skin, accelerated hair growth, and the near in ability to grow of body hair to any substantial amount.

The effect on female has seen an increase in breast milk production, increase in breast size, overall more sensitivity in the genitals, and a more pronounced buttox. The hair growth seems to also transfer over, but body hair seems to not appear in any suitable amounts.

The vault is also fitted with speakers through the dorms and work areas, that use ultrasonic sound waves to deter aggressive and promote more docile and subservient behaviors. We have also been able to program in the ability to deter any use of weapons, drugs, or substance that harms the body.

There is a small effect of making everyone in the vault a higher sex drive, but it should be able to be controlled.

Over all the effects of the experiment take roughly 100 days to take full effect if exposure is consistent. 

OK, so comment what vault idea you have, what you want to see, maybe more of this vault, maybe your twist on an existing vault. Just Comment, share, and remember, Vault tec is hope for the future!

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