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"It's you!"

The squirrel-like boy from earlier that day looked at Felix confused.

"You're that jackass Christopher's friend! I saw you with him this morning!" Felix was fuming, steam coming from his ears. Felix wasn't the type to forgive and forget. Even if he did nothing wrong, the squirrel boy was associated with Felix's archnemesis and that was unforgivable. "I told you that I wouldn't like him!"

Felix stood up, ready to leave, but he was pulled back into his seat by an upset Jeongin. Felix hated upsetting Jeongin. Not because he felt bad, but because there was no doubt that Jeongin would eat Felix alive later. Felix would like to avoid that scenario at all costs.

He hesitantly sits back down, staring down at the table grumbling to himself about how wrong this was.

"Jeongin, Felix, meet my boyfriend, Jisung." Jeongin shook Jisung's hand, smiling at him. He was trying to make up for Felix's behavior.

"Sorry about this, hyung. He isn't usually like this."

"It's okay, Jeongin, I can understand his reaction." This sentence caught Felix's ear. He looked up to Jisung, skeptical of what the boy had to say. "'Chris'-hyung wasn't exactly the nicest to you this morning. I'm sorry about him. I don't know what got into him. He's really a nice guy, I swear."

"Christopher? A nice guy? Ever since I met him, he's been the bane of my existence." Jisung ended the conversation there, talking to Jeongin and Hyunjin now.

Felix got up to walk to the front counter of the cafe where their friend Seungmin was stationed for the day.

"Hey, Lix. The usual?" He asked, getting a nod in response.

Felix tried to focus on something that wasn't his anger. Anything else. His mind began to wander. He got lost in the sound of coffee mugs and ceramic plates clinking together in the back of the shop. The smell of the hot espresso being prepared and all of the sweet syrups that would be put in different specialty drinks. The soft chattering of all the patrons, some typing away at an essay they had due later that night, others there to talk to some friends just as he was. He was in heaven when he was in that little coffee shop.

"Here you are, Lix, bring Sung his cheesecake while you're at it." Seungmin handed Felix a small plate with a slice of cake and a mug with his hot vanilla latte.

He dreaded walking back to the table where his friends were sitting. They were all so happy and he felt like he was bringing the mood down.

"So Bin and I went shopping the other day and I found the cutest little skirt, it's a shame that it wasn't in my size. That didn't stop me from buying it though, it was too cute to —"

"What kind of skirt?" Felix asked, smiling at the mention of his favourite clothing item. He slid Jisung's cheesecake towards him.

"Oh, let me find a picture of it..." Jisung was taken aback by Felix's change in demeanor at the mention of skirts. He found a picture of the skirt and showed it to Felix who gasped pulling out his own phone.

"I have the same skirt, but it's too big on me!" He chirped, showing Jisung his phone. "Do you want to trade? I think that yours might fit me better!"

It was in that moment that a beautiful friendship was formed.


The friends had been sitting and talking in the cafe until it was almost closing time. Felix and Jisung had exchanged contact information and social media too. They were already the best of friends despite their rocky start.

They had to part ways eventually, but Felix was reluctant to do so. Seungmin and Jisung lived on the same street and Hyunjin and Jeongin had to head that direction too, but Felix lived in the complete opposite direction.

It was getting late and Felix was a bit uncomfortable walking home alone in the dark, but he knew that he couldn't ask one of the others to go out of their way to walk him home so he just sucked it up.

About five minutes into the walk home, his phone buzzed with a notification.






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