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Jisung happily bounded towards Felix, but the blonde was freaking out. Did Chris know? It was impossible. Chan gave him the nickname "Baby Girl". If Chris knew, he wouldn't have called him that.

Felix made eye contact with Changbin and could feel his cheeks heating up immediately. Jeongin gave him a sly grin, turning to Changbin.

"Hey, Binnie hyung! You've been working out a lot more recently right?"

Changbin gave a nod, confusion flooding his features. "Yeah? What about it?" He asked.

"Felix hasn't seen you in a while! Maybe he wants to feel those new muscles you've got!" Jeongin pushed, gesturing for him to move closer to Felix.

Felix cast his friend a glare, upset by his pushiness. Jeongin wasn't aware of the fact that Changbin was in a relationship and that Felix was over Changbin.

Changbin didn't think twice about flexing his arm towards Felix and Felix could feel his cheeks heating up. He was over Changbin. He was just a little frustrated. He hadn't had a romantic relationship with someone in so long that touching someone's muscle made him flustered.

"Wow Hyung!" Felix cheered, genuinely impressed. "It's only been a few months since I've seen you, how did you gain so much muscle?" He asked, grinning up at Changbin from his seat.

Minho slid into the booth on the other side of Felix, sandwiching him in-between himself and his boyfriend.

"Binnie's been working out with Chan Hyung and Sung. You should come watch them in the gym sometime. I'm sure Bin wouldn't mind." Minho purred, resting his head in his hands. "You wouldn't mind either, right Hyung?"

All the eyes in the group looked over to the brunette. He looked livid. He couldn't seem to pry his eyes away from  Felix, Minho, and Changbin.

Hyunjin tilted his head at Chan's lack of response. "Hyung?" He asked, waving his hand in front of the older's face.

Chan caught Hyunjin's delicate wrist in his hand, holding it tightly. "What?" He asked in a growl.

Hyunjin's face contorted in pain as he began trying to pull his hand out of Chan's grip.

"Hyung, you're hurting me—" he whined, tears picking up in his eyes.

Jisung frowned at his friend hurting his boyfriend. "Christopher, outside, now!"

Felix watched as Jisung pulled Chan out the door of the cafe and as Hyunjin followed after them, worried about his boyfriend.


After about 15 minutes, Hyunjin cane back inside, informing the group that Chan and Jisung should be back inside shortly.

Chan and Jisung never did come back inside.

Felix reached over the table to where Hyunjin was sitting, gently taking his hand to see if his wrist was okay.

"Lix, I'm fine." The older whispered trying to take his hand back from Felix who couldn't help but frown at the redness and the bruise forming around his wrist in the shape of Chris's hand.

"Jinnie, he hurt you." Felix mumbled, bringing his friends wrist to his lips to press a kiss to the bruise.

"Lix, I promised I'm okay." Felix shakes his head, refusing to accept that answer.

Minho wrapped an arm around Felix's shoulders, pulling him slightly into his chest.

"It's okay, Baby." Minho began gently petting Felix's hair, smiling at how sweet the younger was. "It's just a bruise. Hyunjin's going to be fine."

Felix almost began sobbing at this. How could someone like Chan be so sweet on line, but a complete ass in person?


After the group was done hanging out and the cafe closed, Changbin and Minho offered to walk Felix home. They all lived in the same neighborhood, so it wasn't like they were going out of their way.

He accepted their offer. He couldn't help but feel a bit awkward with how touchy-feely Minho was. He didn't know Minho very well, so he would just assume that's how the older was.

It would have been fine if just Minho was like that, but even Changbin was being a bit odd. He kept trying to take hold of Felix's hand, making subtle moves on him.

Felix felt a bit awkward and was so happy when he got to his own home and he could relax.

He took his time getting washed up, relaxing in a bath, and getting himself comfortable for bed.

He was just browsing tv channels when his phone buzzed with a notification.






Can I ask you something?
Sent 9:18pm



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