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Everything reeked of alcohol and the smell was nauseating. If he had to spend even 5 more minutes in this building watching girls and guys and whoever else grinding up against each other while the blasting music slowly deteriorated his hearing, he would go absolutely apeshit.

Felix didn't even want to come to this party. If it were up to him, he would have been spending this weekened back home in his bed watching some sappy kdrama that he wouldn't even be invested in enough to finish. He only came because Jisung and Hyunjin needed a Designated Driver and he didn't want to leave his friends hanging. That was just an excuse for his friends though. He had alterior motives because it had been weeks.

Weeks. Literal weeks since he had last heard from Chan.

Normally, it wouldn't bother Felix if Chan/Chris/Whatever the fuck other names he goes by didn't message him for prolonged periods of time. They had gone years hating each other's guts, so it wasn't uncommon to go through stretches of time without even thinking about the other, let alone talking, but since finishing their group project, Chris hadn't even looked Felix's way.

He sat right in front of Felix every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. He walked with Jisung as he talked to Felix on his way to his next lecture. They spent so much time together and yet not one second of that time had been spent to communicate with each other. It was infuriating. They finally make up, Felix and Chan don't hate each other. They're no longer sworn enemies. They're just a hyung and his hoobae. Why was it harder to talk to someone you don't despise?

Perhaps it was because looking at Chan caused butterflies to errupt in his stomach. Even glancing in his general direction made his ears flush red. Those few days they spent working on their group project, bonding, talking, joking, giving flirty little touches here and there, but it would seem they were all for not.

Felix glanced around the sea of bodies, searching for someone with dark hair and dimples deeper than the hole that he left in his heart.

"Felix," called Jisung from behind him, hands landing on his shoulders, rocking him from the sudden surge of new weight as the other stabelized himself there. "What're ya doin?" Judging from the way he was sluring his words together and the lack of self-restraint (greater lack of self-restraint).

He didn't even bother to fully answer his twin, instead Felix just gave a hum as he continued to search.

"Is everything okay?" Hyunjin was far more sober than his squirel-like counterpart. "You seem tense, Lix, do we need to leave?"

Felix didn't even bother to hum an answer to Hyunjin, his eyes locked on something across the room.

Chan, the handsome man he was, had girls hanging off of him. Three-- maybe four. Felix couldn't be sure because the jealousy and tears that clouded his vision wouldn't let him make sense of what he was seeing. It didn't seem like Chan even knew he was there. Sure, he was all the way on the otherside of the room and not nearly as visible or neon as the other party goers, but Chris didn't even have the gaul to think about whether Felix was there or not. He danced with the girls, allowing them to run their hands over him and even touching them in ways that Felix didn't care to watch any more of.

Maybe the messages he had been sent about Chan having feelings for him were lies. Maybe Chan never had a single feeling for him. Maybe spending all of that time with Felix made Chan realize that Felix wasn't the kind of guy he wanted to be with. Maybe he realized that he really didn't like guys at all? What if he really was straight?

Why did this bother him anyways? It wasn't like Felix could care about who the brunette spent time with or who he wanted to date. He didn't reciprocate Chris' feelings anyways so at least now he's out of a tough spot.

"...Lix!... Felix!" Hyunjin's voice peirced through the music, startling Felix out of his thoughts. "Felix are you okay?"

Hyunjin's voice traveled easily, and it just had to travel across the room to where Christopher was enjoying himself because as soon as the name left his mouth, the brunette's smile dropped and his eyes widened as he searched around the room for the owner of the name, eventually making eye contact.

"I'm going to get a drink." Before Hyunjin or Jisung could react, Felix was already on his way towards the kitchen where he grabbed the first bottle of liqour he saw and poured a majority of it's contents into a cup, not even bothering to add another liquid to cut the harshness as he tipped his head back and chugged.

It was disgusting and it burned and it wanted to come up more than Felix wanted to keep it down, but he managed because the burning sensation in his throat was far more tolerable than the aching feeling in his heart.



Yay, we're finally back! Sorry for such an abrupt time skip, it was written like this in the planner all along. It would probably have felt less abrupt if I would have just kept up with updating consistently, but oh well. What can ya do?

I hope that everyone is still enjoying this fic. I'm still not even sure if I will end up finishing it becaue of how much I have on my plate right now, but that is yet to be determined.

Thank you to everyone who is still reading this!



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