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Felix didn't sleep a wink that night. He walked into his physics lecture the next day looking like a zombie. Jisung was visibly concerned when he and Chan got to class and Felix was already there, half asleep on the table in front of him.

He was asleep on the desk at 7:35 in the morning.

 It was an 8 am lecture, almost no one showed up more than 10 minutes early. Jisung and Chan only showed up early some days.

Jisung gave Chan a small, apologetic smile before sliding into the seat next to Felix, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Lix... Are you okay?" He asked, moving to place a hand on Felix's forehead, checking for a fever.

"I'm okay, Sung." He whispered with a yawn. "Just didn't sleep well last night."

Jisung spent the next 10 minutes waiting for the professor talking to Felix, checking if he really was okay. Chan sat in the row in front of them, giving a glare to anyone who looked at the twins.

When the professor did come in, Jisung didn't bother to move. It didn't seem to matter anyways because as soon as he set his stuff down, the professor wrote in big letters on the white board behind them, "Group Project".

"Good Morning class."


He didn't know how it happened, but Felix somehow got paired with the one person he didn't want to talk to that day.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a bit pale." Seeing Chan even remotely worried about Felix's well-being was a bit odd for the blond. How was one supposed to react when your rival talks to you with genuine concern in his voice?

"Are you okay, Christopher? You're freaking me out."

"Let's exchange numbers." Chan suggested, giving Felix a dimpled smile before handing over his phone already open on a create contact screen.

Why did he have to be hot? Felix could ignore him normally if he wasn't so god damned hot. He still didn't even know which one of his friends Chan was in love with and that made life so much harder.

Felix handed Chris his phone back with a sigh. He rubbed at his eyes to try and wake himself up, but it seemed to do him no good as he dozed off in his seat.

His phone vibrated with a notification, startling Felix awake.




God is smiling upon me, Babygirl!
My first lecture professor partnered me with the guy I like
I got his number
He's so cute when he's sleepy


Felix looked to Chan, who was staring at Felix with his own phone in his hands. Felix quickly whipped his phone out of his pocket and read the notification with a soft laugh. Hopefully he was a better actor than he had ever thought.

"Sorry, my mom just messaged me."


"I'm so stupid, Hyunjin–Hey! That hurts!" Felix winced, Hyunjin forcing him into an uncomfortable stretch.

"I thought you were the flexible one, Lix?" He teased, making the younger blond whine in defiance.

"Stop being so mean and give me advice! How am I supposed to present something good when he's my partner?" And in love with me.

Felix still couldn't believe that the one of his friends Chan liked was himself. How was he supposed to work with him? Would he have to tell Chan to back off? What if Chan found out that Felix was the one he had been messaging on instagram? How would he deal with the shame if Chan told everyone that he liked to wear such cute girly clothes? Actually, that last problem wasn't too high up on his list of concerns. Most of the guys in his major already followed him knowing he was a man.

"You'll be fine, Chris isn't that bad once you get to know him, I swear." Jisung mused, walking into the dance studio, mostly to watch Hyunjin.

"Easy for you to say!" Felix whined, groaning again as Hyunjin applied more force.

"Why are you so scared of working with him anyways? Chan is a straight A student, you know! He could carry you through this assignment if you wanted." Hyunjin added, letting up on Felix's back, letting him sit up straight for a minute. Feliz took this opportunity to lay back, letting out a loud sigh.

"He'd carry you anywhere if you asked him, he's such a simp for-"

"What were you saying, Sungie?" Felix asked, confused by the sudden cut off of his friend's statement. "A simp for what Sungie?"

When he was met with silence, Felix sat up quickly, concerned for his friend's wellbeing.

There stood Bang Chan in all his glory, his hand slapped over Jisung's mouth, glaring Hyunjin down.

"Christopher! Release my friend right now!" He scolded, casting his own icy glare at the older.

Chan looked over to Felix, still wearing a scowl. He seemed ready to give the blond a piece of his mind, but as soon as he caught the freckled boy in his sights, his cheeks seemed to fluster up and his frown dropped. He let go of Jisung as his jaw fell slack.

Felix tilted his head at the brunette's response. He took a moment to feel around his face before looking down at his outfit. Oh. Oh.

Felix covered his stomach, suddenly embarrassed by how much skin the cropped shirt he was wearing showed. "Chris!" He scolded in a shout.

Jisung couldn't help but chuckle as he manually shut Chan's mouth, "You okay there, Christopher?"

Chan snapped out of it in an instance, clearing his throat, a hand moving to scratch at the base of his neck.

"Felix wasn't answering his phone, so I came to make sure that everything was okay."

Felix scrambled over to his gym bag to grab his phone. Sure enough there were 3 missed calls and 10 unread messages from "Unknown".

He groaned internally as he turned to give Chan a strained smile. "Okay, I'm listening. What's up?" he asked, putting his phone back into his bag.



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