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"Why do we have to go to your place?"

Felix sat in Chan's car, twiddling his fingers. He felt so awkward sitting there. He didn't even know why he allowed himself to get into the car in the first place. His brain was screaming at him.

"Would you rather go to your place?" If Chan drove Felix to his house, that would mean that he would know where he lived and that alone made Felix even more anxious.

"No, your place is fine." He whispered, keeping his eyes down on his lap.

Chris pulled into his driveway and Felix's expression changed immediately. His home was huge. It was nothing like what he was expecting. Chan lived in a large building. He wouldn't call it a mansion, but it was still a nicer place than where he lived.

The inside was just as beautiful as the outside. The walls in the halls were covered in photos of Chan, Changbin, and Jisung. They got older and older as they walked through the house. It was like watching him grow up.

There was a picture of Chris that caught Felix's eye. He was much younger. He seemingly had one missing tooth, but he was grinning like a dork. Seeing him like that made Felix chuckle to himself. It was hard to picture the man he learned to despise.

"Can I get you anything to drink or eat?" Felix jumped at hearing his voice. It scared him half to death. He looked back at Chris, who didn't even seem to notice that Felix was staring down an old picture of him.

"No. I'm good."

"Okay, let's get started then.


Felix and Chris had been having the same problem for the past hour and a half. They just couldn't seem to agree with each other. Chan just wanted to get things done efficiently, but Felix didn't want to agree with Chan and he thought Chan was the same.

"I'm just saying that it would be more interesting to work with thrust and aerodynamics! The more interesting, the higher possibility for bonus points!"

"But there is a higher possibility for us to screw up calculations! A paper roller coaster is much easier and if we include loops then we can talk about force!"

"But being too easy could get us points docked! And Why don't you call me hyung! Show me some respect as your senior."

"Oh my god, Christopher! Why do you hate me so fucking much!" Felix was fuming, he couldn't take this anymore. If he were just a bit more upset he could have started crying.

Chan began to panic, Felix could see it out of the corner of his eyes. Maybe he wasn't used to others emotions. Maybe Felix's outburst was just too unexpected. How unexpected could it be?

Felix was at his wits end. Every day he argued with Chris and every day he was more upset at the end of it.

"I don't hate you, Felix." Chan seemed almost sincere. But Felix wasn't buying it. He knew that he had feelings for him. He knew that Chan felt more than hatred towards him. But he also knew that you could hate someone so much that you grow fond of them. Felix watched enough Kdramas while trying to learn Korean to know that it does happen.

"Don't lie to me, Christopher Bang! You've hated me since the day I started coming to classes."

"Why do you think I hate you?"

"I- I knocked your sheet music out of your hands a year ago...?" Chan gave Felix a blank stare. He stared at him like that for a few minutes before he seemed to break character and laugh at Felix.

"Why do you still think about that? It was so long ago and I definitely don't hate you for it."

"But- But you looked so upset when it happened! I thought that I had ruined your day or something!" Chan's laughter radiated through the room, throwing Felix even further off.

"I was late turning in a term paper, Felix. I was stressed. You actually made my day a little bit better."

"How did I make your day better? I made you take longer by knocking the papers all over."

Chan's cheek flustered up and he scratched at the back of his neck. Felix was concerned by the way that he didn't answer. Chan cleared his throat and mumbled out, "I thought you were really cute..." He whispered.

If Felix didn't already know that Chris had feelings for him, he wouldn't have caught what was said. Instead Felix's entire face lit up Christmas light red. He still tried to pretend that he didn't hear what was said, but it was hard for him to ignore it. He cussed his heart out for fluttering.

"Why do you hate me Felix?" The blond thought about that question for a while. Why did he hate Chris? It was something that just kind of happened. He saw him every day and being teased so much he just kind of began revolting against that.

"I hate you because you hate me?"

"But I don't hate you."

"Then...I guess I don't hate you either...Hyung."



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