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The alarm disrupts my peaceful sleep. I snooze it for ten minutes but the ten minutes miraculously turn into an hour. I consider skipping class today but my subconscious quickly reminds me why I can't. I barely scraped through the last semester and things aren't looking very good for me.

Why does 'adulting' have to be so hard?

I'm in and out of the shower within  the snap of a finger. I violently stuff my bag with the papers and books that are scattered on the table. I throw some gum into my mouth and I hide my messy hair under a beanie.

My ride is already here. I hope she hasn't been waiting for too long.

"One of those days, huh?" She says as I enter the car.

"Yeah" I force a smile. I like that she doesn't pry. It's a pity I can't say the same thing about everyone I'll be seeing today.

When we get to school, I don't really feel like getting out of the car but I do eventually.
I'm already late for my first class so I skip it anyway. I'm not really in the mood for those embarrassing stares from the two goody shoes who behave as if they've never done a single wrong thing in the entirety of their miserable lives.

I go to the nearest coffee. I need to check my emails anyway. It's been a while, so why not do it right now with all  this free time I've rewarded myself with.

The first email I check is from my sponsor. I'm hoping for some good news but with how my day started I'm quite sure I won't be getting any of that.

"We regret to inform you that your funding has been cancelled. We were very dissatisfied with your previous results as they did not meet the requirements of the funding as we have mentioned in the previous emails. We do however wish you good luck with your future endeavors".

Just what I needed. I smile at the universe in ironic disbelief

The final nail on my coffin. I don't even have the energy to read the other emails. What am I going to say to my father?

I watch as life goes on around me as if I'm watching a movie. It's as if I'm outside of my body. I go in and out of classes but it's as if I am not there.

On my way to work I check my phone for any missed calls or texts. There's only a text from Sphe.

"I know we had an early dinner date planned but I have to cancel,  I'm sorry. Thabo wants to see me. I'll make it up to you, I promise ❤️"

Don't get me wrong but I'm glad that she did. I wasn't going to be good company anyway. I had also forgotten about it.

When I get to work Bra White gives me one of his many distasteful looks. Over the years I've learnt to decipher his looks. There's one for being too early. One for being late. One for overworking and one for under working, and that's only a few.

He doesn't like it when we're too early for our shifts. He says we're tricking him into paying us for working overtime.

"Yeah I know I'm too early. Relax I'll be in the kitchen until it's time for my shift," I say to him as I head to the kitchen.

"Why so early child?" Nolitha asks me. "This isn't your dream job so don't tell me you want to impress the big boss." She laughs so much and I can't help but join her. She has a way of making one forget about their problems.

"Honey I want to be the employee of the month." I bat my eyelids

"As if...," we say in unison.

Before we know it, the only sound bouncing around the walls of the kitchen is the sound of loud laughter. For some reason I feel a bit lighter.

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