Keletso calls me right after I've settled myself in the car. I contemplate whether to ignore the call or to answer it. I finally settle on answering it. I mean what's the worst that could happen?
A lot actually but if we're being more specific, I would say an argument leading to a huge fight then eventually a breakup.
My subconscious gives me her two cents but I've been doing a really good job at ignoring her lately so at this point I don't care.
"hello..." I speak reluctantly.
I hear him sniffing and sobbing.
"letso?! what's wrong, are you okay?" I forget to tone down the panic in my voice.
"How can I be okay?!" he sounds very angry.
"What do you mean, what's wrong?"
"YOU." he says and everything goes quiet for a while.
"ME?" I whisper.
"yes, you're ruining me" he continues to sob.
"What?" I whisper again.
"You're turning my life upside-down. I hate you!" I hear a bottle colliding with the wall and I hear pieces splintering on the floor. His voice is faint and distant when he says, "fu*k".
I end the call and my lips quiver as I hold back tears.
I try to calm down and compose my thoughts and as soon as I'm calm I decide to go and confront him. I give my driver the location of Keletso's house and I tell her not to wait for me and most importantly not to tell Sandile. I hate dragging everyone around me into my mess but I do not have much of a choice.
I find the gate wide open and that replaces my fury with concern. His car is outside and the boot is slightly open. I open it and I find a set of keys. I don't know what compels me to take them but I just do. The front door is also not locked and instead of doing the next logical thing, I decide to enter.
The kitchen is a mess. Pieces of the bottle are all over the floor along with its contents. There's also some blood on the floor. I subconsciously go to the room that I was sleeping in whilst I was here.
What I find there (for some reason) hurts me more than it shocks me. I see a naked girl handcuffed to the steel bars on the headboard. I assume that it's the girl he was with earlier on.
"Took you long enough." She sounds a bit distressed. She also seems a bit uncomfortable and a bit shook to be flirting like that. I begin to suspect that maybe she's been forced into this position.
"Are you okay?" I whisper. Her expression changes to fear and she begins to speak but she stops immediately. I follow her gaze and it leads me to a pale and shocked Keletso.
I look back to the girl and she swallows hard before composing herself but I can see right through her charade.
"What did you do to her?" I question him aggressively.
"Nothing, I promise." his puffy eyes look sad as they plead with me to believe him.
"Did he hurt you?" my voice is soft when I question her.
"No..." she says but I know there's more to what she's letting on. I walk around the bed to cover her.
"Where are the keys?" I ask him.
"I... I don't know. I don't remember where I put Them. I went to look for them after our call and then I went to blow off some steam in the gym..." he tries retrace his footsteps.
I remember the Keys I took from the car and I take them out.
"What are these for?" I ask him.
He lifts his head and he takes them from my hand to examine them. He walks over to the girl and he uncuffs her. She gets dressed very quickly and I notice that he's starring at her. Even though he isn't showing any emotions, I feel a pang of jealousy as I look away.
After the girl leaves -in a way I perceived as a scurried and panicked hurry- I'm distracted by his bleeding hand. My protective instincts kick in and I lead him to the bathroom to clean and dress his wound.
"How are you?" he asks me. His voice is full of concern.
"I'm fine" I tell him and out of nowhere I get this crazy idea to kiss his bandaged hand but he pays no mind to it, even though he noticed it.
"Are you sure?"
"yes, I'm sure. I'm not missing any check ups and I'm taking my medication" I inform him.
"Are you still jealous?" he asks me.
The question catches me off guard and a lump builds in my throat.
"No" I lie. My voice sounds unfamiliar when I reply.
He seems a bit disappointed by my answer.
"If I didn't know better I'd swear you looked like you envied her" he smirks.
The thought of what he's insinuating repulses me but I know he doesn't care. My phone vibrates before I can think of a response and I answer without checking the caller ID.
My heart skips a beat when I hear Sandile's voice.
"Hey where are you? It's movie night, did you forget? you said you will knock off early today. I know we fought but I didn't think you'd want to cancel over that." he says.
I swallow hard before replying.
"of course I didn't. I'm just getting pizza and some snacks. I'll be there soon." I tell him.
"There's pizza in the kitchen and some snacks" Keletso says. He seems crushed and I let him be.
He calls a cab for me and we wait for it in silence. It finally arrives and I leave without saying goodbye. I feel bad for him though.
I tell the driver to take me to Sandile's place. Movie night commences as soon as I'm through the door. I wish I could've stayed with him. I wish I could split into two but the harsh reality is that I can't. So I force myself to forget about Keletso and the very disturbing events of tonight. It's no use thinking about someone else whilst I'm with someone here.
I'm sorry for disappearing but I promise to make it up to you. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you in advance and happy reading.

RomanceWhen a room is already filled with lies, secrets, depression and anxieties; Is there any room left for love. Can space be made to accommodate it? Find out in Africa's story as she bites more than she can chew, when she already has a mouthful. Trigge...