Can't Get It Up?

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TW: Kylo being violent towards reader/mc. I will mark the beginning and end of that section with three asterisks (***) if you would like to skip it!

You were led to your room by a trooper a short time later. It was a modest chamber, marble floors and black-panel walls. The large bed in the middle of the room was comfortable, with silken sheets and a soft gray comforter. You sent a service droid for your clothing back on the ship, to be placed in the black wooden wardrobe, ornately carved with designs. 

Dane's room was next door, but you supposed not for long. He would be returning to D'Qar soon, and this would be your domain. You wandered into the connected bathroom, a large, porcelain clawfoot tub extending into the middle of the room. You dreamt of drawing a warm bath, lighting candles, and soaking in the water for hours. There was a swift knock on your door before the mechanism slid open.

"I am to take you to the dining hall, my lady." You eyed the stormtrooper, voice distorted by his mask.

"Yes, thank you." You hadn't eaten since before boarding your ship to come here, and your stomach grumbled. You followed him down a series of complicated hallways, unsure if you'd ever be able to remember the way. Finally, he led you into a large room, bolstering with conversation, laughter, the scent of savory delicacies. It almost reminded you of the mess hall at home, and your heart gave an unexpected pang. You weren't sure when you'd go home again. Kylo Ren's head turned toward you when you entered, it was the first thing you noticed. That, and the empty seat directly across from him. Dane was already seated between Hux and Ren, so you supposed it was for you.

"Right this way," You strode in front of your guide and stood in front of the seat, looking down on Ren with an intense stare. All you could see was your reflection staring back at you.

"Good evening, Commander Ren." You let his name roll off your tongue slowly, deliberately and lowered yourself into the chair as Hux began to speak.

"I hope your quarters are to your liking." You took a breath and flashed your eyes back at Ren.

"They are adequate, thank you." Dane launched into more diplomatic conversation with General Hux, but there was a change in the air around you. It felt loaded, almost as though electricity crackled, invisible, through the air. Kylo Ren's fist clenched on the table before he got up and stormed away without a word. You couldn't help but smirk to yourself.

After dinner, you strolled beside Dane back to your rooms, bidding him a goodnight as he entered his room. You'd started pulling your hair out of the elaborate braids absentmindedly, nearly running into a large, dark shape standing in the middle of your room. You jumped, pulling your blaster from your hip and pointing it at... Kylo Ren. With a wave of his hand, your weapon clattered on the floor.

"Commander Ren," You felt a flutter of nerves in your stomach. Had you pushed him too far at dinner? You'd only meant to throw him off, maybe intimidate him a little. "I don't remember issuing an invitation to join me in my chambers." He took a step toward you, so silent, so tall... your confidence trembled.

"You are very opinionated for a low-level soldier." His voice, though distorted through the mask, was deep, with some raw quality to it that made you want to squirm out of his line of sight.

"You are very quiet for a high ranking commander." You retorted, trying to keep your tone steady as he towered over you. "No opinion on our negotiations?" He pondered for a moment, clenching his fist, then relaxing it.

"Hux is good with words," He began to circle around you, a predator circling his prey. "I am better with my lightsaber." You glanced over your shoulder at the large hand curled around the metal hilt, and swallowed.

Negotiations (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now