Daughter of Maul, Son of Vader

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You were restless. There was nothing to do now but sit and wait for the day of your impending departure to Hosnian Prime, to sit and meditate, to float small objects up into the air and down again. It was relatively simple to slip into memories of your mistreatment now, though what was once aching resentment toward your father was turning into violent hatred. One particular night, you came out of a trance-like meditation state shaking and nauseous, crawling toward the bathroom to vomit. It always seemed too real, your skin always stinging like your father had actually been hitting you again, mind reeling and echoing with his abuse. As the ringing in your ears faded and you began to come back to reality, you heard a very faint sound coming from inside your wardrobe. Wiping your mouth, you strode over, opening the ornate doors to find the source of the tiny rattling. It was the ring that Krisara had given you weeks ago, lying on the bottom of the wardrobe in between a pair of your black boots. You picked it up, turning it over in your palm, observing the small vibrations it was emitting, confused. You'd taken it off the night you'd received it and hadn't thought about it again; Was it more than just an accessory? You slipped it back on your middle finger and a tiny holo appeared, Krisara's face hovering just above the matte black twists of metal.

"Finally," She breathed, looking over her shoulder. "I've been trying to get in touch with you for over two weeks."

"You could have told me this was more than just a ring." You said, annoyance prickling at your temples.

"Well I didn't give it to you as a gift." She huffed, like it had been obvious. You bit down on the inside of your cheek to keep from retorting. "We need to meet. Tomorrow night I'll be in the kitchens off the main mess hall around two o'clock. Join me then." She leaned in and whispered. "And keep your ring on from here on out."

"Fine." You snapped, irritated at the fact that she was giving you orders. The holo disappeared as quickly as it had come, and a lonely silence enveloped the room.

The next night, you returned to your room after a private dinner with Hux in his quarters, listening half-heartedly to him drone on about wedding plans. You supposed it was lucky that one of you had an eye for design. If it was up to you, you'd have a private ceremony here on the Finalizer with as few witnesses as possible. But the way Hux made it sound, half the galaxy would be in attendance. Cardo was outside your door tonight, standing guard as you lay awake in your bed, fully clothed, watching minutes tick by. You hopped down out of your secret panel at ten minutes to two, pressing yourself against the wall at every corner and listening acutely for guards. The corridors were clear as you made your way into the dark mess hall, careful to avoid any hastily tucked chairs and table legs. There was an archway in the back corner of the room that led to the kitchen. It was strange to see the room so cool and silent, normally bustling with all manners of people and droids, the clattering of silverware, the warm wafting of delicious scents. Now it all seemed... sterile, somehow. Like you were in the medbay.

"Krisara?" You called out, your voice barely louder than a whisper. You looked around, the steel appliances little more than gray blocks in the darkness. You were just outside the cabinet doors of a large pantry when someone grabbed you, pulling you sideways inside and shutting the doors gently, avoiding the slam. You had your knife in your hand before you made impact against one of the tall shelves, but Krisara put her finger to her lips, peeking out the crack in the doors. You heard the distinct whirring of a surveillance droid, the red light of its detection beam glowing throughout the kitchen. It seemed like an eternity before it finished its scan, moving out into the mess hall without a fuss.

"Thank you for coming." She said finally, breathing a sigh of relief and watching you stow your knife back on your thigh harness. "You're marrying him."

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