Chapter 40

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After a few days of being at Josh and Frankies house, Wesley is loading up the back of the car with the luggage. Elijah is running around the house with his new friend, Wells. Their screams of happiness fill my ears, making me feel at peace.

Wesley hasn't even looked at another beer, much less touched one. Josh offered him one each night we stayed, which would add up to four days in total. I start to feel a sense of tranquillity when I'm with Wesley.

He shuts the trunk and looks up at me, smiling with all of his teeth. My heart flutters like the first time jitters, making me fall in love with him over again. I know it's ridiculous to feel this way, already forgiving him after all of the shit we have gone through, but at least he's trying. Honestly that's all I can ask for.

"I'm gonna miss you." Frankie says, wrapping her arms around me. These few days, I've made a new friend. She isn't like Carly or Colin, who are the people by my side for life, but she's a good person to talk to. We have talked about our husbands, and how they have affected us both negatively. We agree on a lot of things in life, and because of that, I enjoy her company.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I say into her thick black hair. She pats my back and smiles, backing away from me.

"See you later, girl." She says, grinning as she walks back into her house. Wesley shakes Josh's hand and he waves at Frankie.

"Elijah! Come on son!" Wesley calls. Eli looks up, hugs his friend, and runs towards me and his dad. Elijah gets bucked up in his car seat, and Wesley and I leave.

He holds my hand across the center console, rubbing his finger across the tops of my knuckles.

"Your skin is so soft." He whispers, smiling as he kisses each of my knuckles. That's when I remember him. My tall and daring man that I have loved for so many years. Wesley's never kissed me so tenderly before, but Dustin...Dustin was always tender with me. He never cause me pain or sorrow or-

Stop, I yell at myself. I haven't thought of Dustin since I've left him, and it's for the better. I don't need him, nor would it be okay for me to be with him. Wesley is trying really hard, and last I checked, I was married to Wesley and not Dustin.

So why can't I get Dustin off my mind?

We pull into our parking spot after an hour drive, after stopping several times for Elijah to use the restroom. We grab our luggage and walk inside, putting everything away.

Wesley's phone starts to ring as we sit down to watch a movie as a family. He pulls it out and frowns at the caller.

"Hello?" He says into the phone. He sighs and rubs his hand over his face.

"Yeah I'll be there." He grumbles, hanging up on the person.

"I'm sorry you guys. I gotta go to work." Wesley says, kissing Eli on the head and me on the lips.

"Its okay, right? Eli and I can go to Colin's house. How does that sound, buddy?" I say. Elijah beams and jumps up, running to the door. Soon we are on our way to Colin's house.

"Oh my god, Nova. We were so worried!" Colin says, opening the door and embracing me into a large hug. I missed seeing their faces, and hearing their voices. I'm glad to be back home.

But I want him. Being back home makes me want Dustin.

"I was fine." I say weakly. Carly comes up and hugs me, and so does Greg. Elijah runs out towards the back of the house to play outside.

I Might Miss You (I Might Need You book 2)Where stories live. Discover now