Chapter 51

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I love her. I fucking love her with everything of me. I never thought that I would have her again after she went to rehab. I gave up, and I gave up on her. And now, I couldn't be happier.

I tighten my arms around her, loving the feeling of her warm, naked body against mine. She breathes lightly, the sound calming my rapid heartbeats. She's mine right now. We have an entire week to be together, without Wesley, without Bella. Without distractions.

I groan when my phone starts to ring. So much for distractions. I let go of Nova to lean over and turn off my phone. When I wrap my arms around her, it starts to ring again.

"Answer it." Nova murmurs, still half asleep. I smile and kiss her bare shoulder, sliding out of the covers. I grab a pair of boxers off the floor. I walk out onto the balcony with my phone in hand.

"Hello?" I say, rubbing my eyes as the sun hits me dead in the face.

"Excuse me. Where the fuck are you?" My sister's voice screams through the phone.

"Jesus, chill. It's eight in the morning. Lower your voice."

"Where are you? I went to your hotel and you weren't there." She says angrily. I laugh and look out over the balcony, staring at the skyscrapers around me.

"I'm in New York." I tell her, leaning back in a chair and closing my eyes.

"New York! What the fuck! Why didn't you invite me!" She screams again.

"Kota, please, I just woke up. I'm with Nova." I point out, trying to end this conversation.

"Oh...wait how?"

"Her mom bought plane tickets for her, Wesley, and Elijah. Wesley had to work so Nova brought me instead." I explained to her. I hear her sign and make a 'tsk' noise with her tongue.

"So are y'all fucking good since you don't have to worry about Wesley?" She asks and I can almost hear the smirk on her face. I sigh at her very blunt response.

"I don't see how my sex life is any of your business." She giggles on the other end.

"Fine. Go fuck some more. Love you big brother."

"Love you too." I hang up the phone and walk back into the room. I stare at Nova, wrapped in the messy white sheets. Her hair is plastered on the pillow in the most perfect position and the peaking sun from the window highlights every feature on her face.

I stand there for a second and stare at her, enjoying the feeling I get just by looking at her. She doesn't stir, and for the first time in a while, she looks completely at peace. She doesn't have to worry about being a mom. She doesn't have to worry about walking on eggshells around her husband. She's just perfectly content. And she's perfectly content with me.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all day or are you going to come lay with me again?" Nova's voice murmurs. I smile and push myself off of the wall, walking over to the bed. I slide under the covers and bring her body close to mine.

"Why are these on?" She asks, rubbing her hands over my thigh. I chuckle and sit up, pulling my boxers off of my body. She smiles as I lay back down. Throwing her leg over mine, she pulls herself closer to me, kissing my jaw.

"You're gonna kill me." I groan, pressing my lips her hers.

"Did you know morning sex makes you more connected to your partner?" She asks me, looking up at me with those gorgeous amber eyes. I instantly get hard just looking at her.

"Are you saying you want to have sex?" I ask and she nods her head quickly. I groan and lay my hand over my head.

"I fucking love you, did you know that?" I press my lips to her temple. I grab her waist, pulling her on top of me. She grins and grabs my dick in her hands, gently inserting myself inside of her.

"Shit." Nova gasps, leaning down on my chest. I grab her hips and start gently rocking her body. She grabs the sides of my face and kisses my lips. Our tongues gently graze each other as I pump myself in and out of her pussy.

"You're so beautiful baby." I whisper, taking her breasts in my hand. I take my thumb and my forefinger and pinch her nipple, making her moan. I love the sound of her moaning. It's the most beautiful sound that could ever exist.

It doesn't take long until I quicken my movements, already feeling her clamp down around my cock. I watch her as her eyes squeeze shut and her mouth opens, letting out a moan. She falls down on top of me and we finish together, holding each other in our arms.

We don't move for a minute, we just lay there, in complete and utter bliss with each other. Our breathing heavy, Nova pulls herself off of me and lays beside me on the bed, pressing kisses against my neck.

"We should probably get going. I don't want mom to watch Elijah all day long. And you know if we stay here we are going to end up having sex again." Nova whispers, panting for breath. I nod and climb out of bed, grabbing my clothes off of the floor. Nova sits up and winces.

A chuckle escaped my lips. "How bad did I hurt you?" I ask.

"You fucking destroyed me." Nova groans, turning around to glare at me. I pull my pants on and walk over to her side of the bed, grabbing her arms and helping her up.

"I told you you wouldn't be able to walk." I smirk and she rolls her eyes, hobbling away from me.

Hand in hand, Nova and I wait outside for a car to come get us. I called Doug, having him arrange us a ride specifically because I didn't want to ride in another person's car.

Nova looks up at me, a smile on her face. I lean down and cup her face with my hands. I brush her skin with my finger, admiring her gorgeous features, and then kiss her lips softly.

"We haven't talked know, your fame." Nova says randomly. I frown and look down at her.

"What do you want to know?" I mutter. I enjoy making movies, and I enjoy the fans and how much they support me, but I hate that I have to hide myself everywhere I go. If it wasn't for this ballcap on my head, I would have people swarming me.

"Well, I just want you to know I'm not using you for your fame. Sometimes I don't even remember you're an actor." Nova points out, laughing to herself.

"Babe, I know you're not. You don't have to be worried about that."

"It's just that, you have cars coming to pick us up and I'm not even contributing. Like, what if they need money for gas? Or," I cut her off.

"They are getting paid better than most people because of Doug. They are trained in security. If Doug finds out I took an Uber last night he won't be too happy." I tell her, brushing the hair out of her eyes.

"You seem to get in trouble with Doug a lot."

"What can I say, I like to break rules." I shrug my shoulders and watch as the corners of her lips turn up into a grin.

The sound of tires crunching on the pavement causes me to look up. A blacked out Lexus parks in front of us and a man steps out, immediately opening the door for Nova and I.

"Mr. Clark." The man nods, motioning for us to get in. I let Nova walk before me and then I slid in behind her, grasping her hand as soon as we got inside.

"Where too, Mr. Clark?" The driver asks.

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