Chapter 48

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 "Where's breakfast?" Wesley's voice mumbles. I ignore him and throw the rest of my clothes into my suitcase. Elijah is in the bathtub, and I can listen to him splashing around.

"Nova?" He asks again, becoming impatient.

"I am trying to get everything packed Wesley. My flights in an hour. Just stop and get something." I rush out, running around the room to grab my shoes. I slide on my converse and look at myself in the mirror, running my hand down the front of my body, taking away all the wrinkles in my white and blue striped shirt. I tuck the pockets away in my jeans and step out of the bathroom.

"Fine," Wesley mumbles. He moves into the bathroom, says something to Elijah, and walks back into the bedroom with me. "Have fun. See you in a week?"


"Bye love you." He kisses my cheek and I flinch.

"Love you too." I mutter as he walks out of the house. I rush around the house, grabbing last minute things as my phone rings.

"What?" I growl, not even looking at the caller ID.

"Well good morning to you too, gorgeous." Dustin's calming voice says. I instantly relax and lean against the kitchen counter, smiling.

"Hey. Sorry, I'm just stressed."

"I can see that. Are you ready? I'm getting in the car to head to the airport now. I have to-" My phone starts to buzz again indicating someone else is calling me.

"Dus my mom is calling. I'll see you in a bit, okay?"

"Okay, bye babe." The call ends and I swipe up on my mom's name.

"Hey mom." I say, holding the phone to my shoulder as I walk back to the bathroom. I start to drain the water in the bathtub.

"Hey honey! Are you all packed? I'm so excited. Are you and Wesley gonna be staying in a hotel or here at my house?" She rambles. A pang of hurt hits me as my mom says my husband's name. I specifically kept it away from her that I was bringing Dustin instead. I mean, I don't think the conversation would go well over the phone. I can't imagine telling my mom I'm cheating on my husband with my high school boyfriend. That's just not a conversation I want to have digitally.

"Um I don't know yet." I mumble.

"Okay well don't sound so gloomy! I'm so excited to see my grandson!" She cheers.

"I'm excited too, mom. I have to go now, though, okay? Bye love you!" I hang up before she gets a chance to respond.

"Why isn't daddy coming?" Elijah asks as I sit him on the bed, handing him his clothes to put on.

"He has work." I put on a face for my son, trying to prove him wrong.

"Why did you tell daddy that Aunt Carly was coming instead of Mr. Dustin?" Elijah struggles to put his shirt on as the words fall out of his mouth. Kids are all too honest.

"Because your dad doesn't like Mr. Dustin. And Aunt Carly has work also," I walk over to Elijah, helping him force the shirt over his head. His hair gets ruffled and I try my best to smooth it out. "Thank you for not telling daddy that Mr. Dustin is coming." I kiss his head and reach for my bags.

"Okay come on. We gotta go." I take Elijah's hand in mine and rush him out the door. We walk down the steps and into the parking lot, heading to my car. A black suburban pulls up and parks right behind my grey Toyota, blocking me in.

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