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COACH: someone who trains a person or team of people in a particular sport.

"you must be motherfuckin kookoo for CocoaPuffs if you think i'm gonna sit out for the rest of the season!"

they took it well.

"i'm sorry boys, but this has happened way too many times. you've had three chances." Bad gently spoke from beside Philza.

quackity, uninterested, bit his nails.

"you're very calm about this." y/n spoke and he glanced over as Phil and Bad whispered about something.

karl was fuming, his hands planted on the desk he sat at in an empty classroom. he leaned forward with his eyebrows set downwards as Bad nervously stood in his gaze.

"listen. i'm dumbing this down for you because i care about you, right dear?" he began and bad drew his lips in a thin line, preparing for the speech.

karl licked his bottom teeth with a smirk of disbelief as he leaned forward a little more to where his hair hung in his face a bit.

"our season is canceled, correct?" he asked sweetly and bad hesitantly nodded.

"we have- excuse me, had a month and a half left of this season."

bad licked the inside of his cheek as he glared at karl.

"answer me."

"yes." he replied with just as much sickly sweet violence as karl.

"mhm. okay so tell me. that means we don't have play offs?"

bad's eyes widened and tommy suddenly jumped up from beside ranboo and tubbo.

"my first play offs is canceled?! why?!"

karl glanced to tommy for a second.

"i'm done, listen to the kid." he sat down, crossing his arms over his chest and ducking his head down a bit to glare through his eyebrows.

tommy glanced around to everyone with hesitation. his eyes landed on dream who was gazing at philza- with what tommy could tell was amusement.

"dream, you clearly look happy. share with the class." tommy gulped as the man glanced over to him.

"you want me to stand up and grab a microphone too?" he said with a dark smirk as he pulled his mask off his face, which momentarily got caught on his set of black earrings.

"tell us what's so funny." bad snapped and quickly apologized as phil stared back at dream.

"i don't see how this is our- my fault. since everyone is so obsessed with me and kept staring at me through this whole little meeting." he began and everyone clearly subconsciously glanced away.

he brushed his blond hair back a bit and let it fluff around his forehead as he set his eyes on Bad.

"tell me, what do our schools revolve around?"


"ha!" sapnap laughed and dream glanced back to him with a chuckle.

"wilbur, please tell me. schools revolve around this particular sport which lasts 5 months a year. they care for nothing else, especially teachers. tell me."

wilbur glanced up from tucking his white tank top in his black jeans and fixing his belt buckle. he jumped up and leaned over the desk as his hair flipped over his glasses.

"what is...football?"

"correct! we have a winner! now boys, not too hard was it?" he asked sweetly and the two coaches scowled at him.

"listen. i don't care what a bunch of kids have to say. no more season since you decide to act like 5 year olds." philza stated simply.

"children? we're acting like children?" technoblade stood up and dream bowed, allowing him to take the court.

philza suddenly stepped back and raised his hands in surrender.

"what are you doing." bad asked shakily.

"i'm not arguing with that twat. fucker's- sorry. the dude is in debate club. and won regionals. he debated me so hard i thought about my existence for three weeks."

technoblade smiled wildly, his tongue piercing clanking against his canine's tooth diamond jewel in the center as he licked over his top row of teeth.

bad took a deep breath and prepared himself.

"tell me, sir, when was a season ever last canceled?"


"mm i see. and you're lucky i wasn't here at the time. and provide me with a little detail that could change your mind on this whole...spat."


technoblade's eyes seemed to glow like a forest fire as he began walking towards bad. the older man coward under the height as the teen leaned over him.

"what...repercussions...yes that's a good word for it... what repercussions were provided when their season was cancelled?"

"i'm not sure i under-"

"yeah techno, you gotta dumb it down for him." george suddenly appeared on the other side of Bad and he shakily stood his ground as george glared at the man down his nose, making him appear way taller.

"tell me, coach. what was the week's theme after the season disappeared?" george ruffled his own black hair as bad stared at him.

he stared for a while. he thought hard and george and techno stood patiently.

george and techno glanced to each other with wide and excited eyes as Bad's face sunk in with horror.

"now he's getting it! so proud of you!" george said with a very dull sarcastic tone so it was hard to tell if he was serious or not.

"corpse week."

he swallowed thickly and sapnap was full on laughing now as quackity still looked bored, but his eyebrows quirked up.

"y/n! darling, come to the stage." george advanced on them and pulled them up effortlessly, dragging them to technoblade and bad.

"what's corpse week?" he asked simply.

"when the Crew Boy's old quarterback started a week of brutal pranks that no one would forget. they made a plaque for him." y/n said excited at the mention of the name.

"go on, you know there's more."

"and his cheerleader best friend distracted teachers and got everyone involved."

"one more tiny detail."

"he dropped our shortly after. he was only twelve."

technoblade suddenly came close to y/n, his hair touching their skin.

"what's his name?"


"allister, how do you advance your plots?!""i add corpse

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"allister, how do you advance your plots?!"
"i add corpse."

i have a mf pep rally wednesday and they give me bad headaches so i wanna skip

my old cool world theme lookin real seggc rn...

and yes, corspe did drop out at 12 if my facts are correct

october 25/26, 2021

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