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In a lilac wood, contained in the land of Narnia, lived a unicorn.

Long held fabel by the words of man, and likewise a creature of enchantment by the eyes of Narnians, they were creatures foretold to hold great powers of light.  Magnanimous in every way, they were a species defined by their relations to all living things, and their belief in the goodness inherent.

Since the birth of Narnia centuries ago, Unicorns have roamed its face in peace.

Until that is, the White Witch arrived.

Bringing with her a frigid winter and a cruel hand, Jadis set upon the land, devouring all who would oppose her like a wolf to the sheep. Yet still, the Unicorns evaded her. As even the most powerful beings have their superiors, she feared the Unicorns would be hers. And so she set upon a crusade to eradicate them from the world.

Consuming tome after tome, the Witch scoured for a way to fulfill her dark intentions. Eventually, in a book held in the deepest corner of the lowest part of her castle, she stumbled upon ancient magic that would provide her with a solution. However, a cost was required; the more evil a desire, the greater the sacrifice. In this case, a fragment of a soul as dark as tar and vain as a god.

Her own.

And so in exchange for a piece of her very being, Jadis summoned forward a beast conceived in the depths of hell, engulfed in tossing red flames.

The Red Bull.

With an indiscriminate fury, the Red Bull was turned loose into the land to hunt down every Unicorn one by one, a task if fulfilled successfully, as each day more and more unicorns vanished without a trace. 

As for what became of the creatures, no one knew for sure, though there was a rumor that they were corralled into the tossing sea by the White Witch's castle, and that every day she would watch them ride the waves of the tide, trapped for eternity. A cruel fate, but one not beyond what she would bestow. 

And so with a threat to her reign eliminated, Jadis grew jubilant at her success, believing all Unicorns to be within her possession at last.

However, dear readers, as you will soon find out, she did in fact, not procure all unicorns. For in a lilac wood far beyond the ice castle, in a haven of willows and birches, dwelled a unicorn of gentle spirit and wise soul. A being that was blissfully unaware of the atrocities commuted upon her kind, yet also of the danger that sought to snuff her out.


Throughout the silent morning glade, the only sounds to be heard were the whilst of the leaves and chattering of the squirrels. This tranquility was broken swiftly by the sound of stomping hooves stampeding through, the source revealing itself to be two Centaurs in Narnian armor careening through. Their vigilant stares and tensed arms gave the instant impression of being on the hunt, yet prepared to strike.

The first Centaur, with long blonde hair and brown eyes, gazed around the perimeter, gripping his sword by the hilt. "Are you sure this is the place, Front-Wind?" he addressed his comrade. 

The other, with black hair and pale skin, answered in turn. "Of course, I'm sure, Wave-Stride. This forest is the only place for miles that's not at least succumbed to a chill wind. Mark my words, only a Unicorn could counter that hag's spell."

"You don't believe there's still some out there, do you? From our reports, she got them all."

"Not some," Front-Wind smiled knowingly. "One. According to Aslan, there should still be one in the world, the only one she hasn't reached. Remember, we're just here to confirm."

Wave-Stride confidently nodded in affirmation. "Right, and then return to the camp."

Fortunately, the pair needed not to search much longer, for in a streak across the tree line stood a being that could be mistaken as a mirage. A mane white as snow and sparkling like stars, accompanied by an awe-inspiring presence. He was right; there still was one left!

Wave-Strider made to approach her, only to be stopped by Front-Winds arm. "Stop! You'll only frighten her, and we won't be able to deliver our message."

Turning back to the object of their search, he called out crisply the most crucial information which they were trusted to give. "Stay where you are, creature! This is no world for you. Should you ever need help, the arms of Aslan are open. But if you can help it, stay in your forest and keep your trees green and yourself protected. And good luck to you, for you are the last."

And with that, the two Centaurs made off from the clearing and back from whence they came. In the shadows of the forest, emerged, at last, the receiver of the dire warning

A Unicorn.

Confused, violet eyes stared off into the expanse from which the pair left, a question on her tongue that felt simultaneously hopeless and curious.

"I am the only unicorn there is. The last?

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