When The Night Ends,

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His feet feels light yet the stomps sound heavy as he enters the train with clouded determination. 

I'll never go back - I don't care where I'll end up, but I'm never going back! 

Jungkook huffs heavy sighs when he sat in the near-empty compartment. It's close to 10pm and drizzling outside. The cold from the air-conditioned space and his half-damped hoodie had him shivering slightly, but he's too hot-headed to give it much attention. Every inch of his body screams anger and disappointment. 

It's not like it's too much to ask! I didn't ask for a lot - if I win the money, it's to help them with the store anyway! They're just using the school as an excuse to not let me out of their sight! I hate them - I hate everything! My poor life, how everything's falling apart - they're not even gonna care if I ended up in the streets with no home or food!

A melodic humming interfered the curses in his mind, and Jungkook glanced to his left to find the culprit. Sitting 3 rows away from him is a girl - facing forward with a small smile on her lips. Her backpack rests nicely beside, with 2 books on top. She's wearing an expensive-looking headphone, and he knew she had nothing much to worry about in her life.

Everything on her looks rich. That pleated skirt looked like the ones they wore in private schools. The dark blue jumper with red and white lines on the neckline and wrists looked like it's from some geeky or athletic club. Even the side profile of her face looked expensive! What's a rich girl like her doing on a train this late in the night? 

As if hearing the question-mark in his mind, she suddenly turns to glance at him. Feeling nervous all of a sudden, Jungkook looks away. He wanted to disappear, not end up in jail! The last thing he needs now is someone accusing him of any ill intentions! 

Just don't think about it...then it won't happen. That's what mom always say. But then...I kept saying I'll get in the audition and win it...and look where I am now. Running away for the first time in my life...not knowing where I'll go. Is this it? How short of a time will it be until I beg for work...or money...or will I ended up go back home -

"Hello," The cheerful voice rang so close to his ear that Jungkook ended up leaning back a little, surprised at the sudden approach.

The same rich-looking girl is now beside him. Big, round eyes resting under perfectly-trimmed bangs are looking at him, paired with a big smile that squishes her cheeks up. Why? Why is she here? Why is she talking to me?

"Where you heading to?" She continued, oblivious to the uncomfortable vibe he's letting off. 

Really, why is she talking to me - a stranger? Is she not scared? It's late, is she always this bold? It's okay...breathe...just ignore her - maybe she'll get the picture -

"You look like you're going somewhere far. Here," She unzipped her backpack. From the corner of his eyes, he watched her taking out a cloth that looked like it's knitted and noticed the inside of the bag filled with books. "To keep you warm," 

Jungkook stares at the grey, folded jumper, then at her - dumbfounded at the whole situation. 

"It's gonna rain all night. See?" She points out to the glass window. "No signs of stars at all. It's really dark so it's gonna rain for a while. You must be cold -"

"I'm not," He answered quickly, still confused as to why this pretty, preppy stranger would even care.

"Your hands are shaking," It's partly amazing how she hadn't stopped smiling.

"It's not the cold," He lied again and looks away. What a weird night...I ran away from home cus the people I loved didn't care, while this unknown girl is trying. She should really mind her own business! What if I turned out to be some lunatic on the loose??

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