You can't kill ghosts

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After blacking out as a consequence of a direct chest hit with Shepherd's .44 magnum, he slowy gained back his consciousness. He himself had no idea how that was even possible because the weapon was fired at him from a distance of less than one meter. He felt that he was hit pretty badly, but nothing which would kill him. It smelled like gas. Opening his eyes he saw Roach lying right next to him. The second he saw him he knew he couldn't have survived: His vest was burnt, there was   a gunshot wound, probably also from a .44 magnum. He noticed that his vest was also heavily burnt, but as Roach, Scarecrow, Archer and him decided to go for fire proof vests in this deployment, in case the enemies tried to destroy the safehouse and burn all the evidence as well as them, he didn't get harmed by the fire.
After all of that, he checked his transmitter:
"Price? Soap? Are you there? It's Ghost!"
But Ghost realised very fast he was on his own: "Transmittor's fucked..."
Suddenly, he noticed something's moving to his right. He flinched, thinking it would be a hostile. But as he looked on the ground, he was shocked to see Roach being still alive.
"Roach! Holy crap, you're alive! Come on buddy, I'm gonna get us out of here!"
Roach didn't seem to hear him. Ghost knew he had to be quick now as every second counted. He decided to get back up to the safe house in order to search for medicals and a transmitter to contact price. Grabbing his M4 and picking up Roach, supporting him, the two soldiers made their way back up.
It was painful for both of them, as they were injured but finally, they made it.
Ghost put Roach on the next table he could find:
"Hang in there, I'll find some medicals!"
After searching the basement, he did indeed find some bandages, disinfectants and a needle and a string.
Everything else which was required to get that bullet out of there was in his magazine pockets, which luckily were spared from the fire.
"Okay Roach, this is gonna hurt. But you'll make it."
He took his bomb defusial pliers and tried to get the bullet out, which eventually worked. After disinfecting the wound, he made sure to properly close it with help of the needle and the string.
After that was done, he gave Roach some water, who seemed to get better already:
"Thanks, Ghost. I thought this was it..."
Ghost decided to shift his schedule and continue searching for a transmitter the next day. For now, he had to look after his own wounds, patch up and guard the safe house. He had some claymores left from the mission which he set up.
Eventually, he had to get some sleep, but soon was waken up by the sound of one of the claymores going of and a soldier of the shadow company: "Man, the task force really meant it, when they said they'd protect the safehouse with all they've got... Watch your steps!"
Ghost knew they had to get out of here:
"Roach", he whispered, "get up, they're here. We need to move now!" Ghost's little surgery seemed to have worked miracles as Roach was able to walk on his own. "Alright, I know a spot", he said. After Ghost grabbed his M4, which he'd called "Spanish Moss" after a deployment in spain, where he had applied a green camouflage, Roach armed up with a Kilo 141, which he had chosen as a sign of affiliation to task force 141, and some frag grenades. Roach explained that he studied the deployment plans for the safehouse mission very carefully which is why he was aware of small forest on a hill not far behind the house. After sneaking around the building, they got there eventually.
"You have a spotter scope or something?", Ghost asked.
"Yeah,  there ya go", Roach responded, giving Ghost the binoculars.
"Alright, I see multiple tangos entering the safehouse on the west side." His suppositions were confirmed: "It's the shadow company. Fuckin' hell, that bastard betrayed us. How could Shepherd ever do that?" "I never liked that asshole...", Roach stated.
"Alright, here's the plan: You see that bertha on the southern side?", Ghost wanted to know. "Affirmative." "As I have a claymore left and a suppressed weapon, we're gonna set that claymore up directly under the bertha. Then we get in position by that SUV a little bit further over there. I'm gonna take the shot at the claymore, detonating the truck and distracting the hostiles." Roach was sceptical: "You think that works?" "No, not really, but tell me something better. Of course that works!", Ghost joked. "Let's do it!"
They slowly approached the truck and after Ghost set up his claymore, they moved on to the SUV. "Take the shot", Roach said. With that, Ghost hit the claymore perfectly, which resulted into a big explosion. Immediatly after that, Ghost grabbed the spotter scope and could see all hostiles moving to the truck. Or what remained of it. "It actually worked!", he stated suprised. "Thought you were sure this was gonna work, why so surprised?", Roach laughed. "Ye, you don't seem to have lost your big flap, do you?", Ghost replied. "So, now let's get the hell out of here, huh?" "Copy that!", Roach agreed.
They hopped in the SUV and got away from the safehouse rather undetected. "Hey, watch your driving dammit! It seems like you're hitting everthing you possibly can! That wound freakin' hurts", Roach complained. "You softie, since when have you been that sensitive? I fixed you as well as I could!", Ghost returned.
Eventually, they got to their destination: An abandoned atomic bunker, which task force 141 and especially Ghost himself  had set up for emergencys and secret meetings. "Shepherd's never gonna find us here. This bunker protects members of the task force, I made sure of that myself", Ghost proudly showed Roach the bunker. "Do we have a transmittor here?", Roach asked. " Everything. Vests, ammo, weapons, transmittors and more. It's like a gun store, but bigger", Ghost answered.
After locating the transmittor, Ghost once again tried to contact Price:
"Come in Price!" This time, with succes: the voice of an old comrade sounded through the speakers: "Who the hell is that? How'd you get on this frequency?" "Shit, thank god. This is Ghost!" "Simon? I thought you were dead!" "Well, you know: A ghost can't be killed! Shepherd betrayed us" "I know", Price responded, "Soap and I got ambushed in the bone yard by shadow company. It was a close call, but we made it out uninjured. How about you? Are you okay? Where's Roach? Did he make it? Soap has almost gone mad when he heard you two are dead. And me too. I'm glad to hear from you." "Roach was critically wounded, but I was able to patch him up. He's okay and with me. We're at the old bunker.", Ghost returned. "Okay, we're heading to you! Hey, Soap, come here! It's Ghost,  he and Roach made it out!" After that, Ghost recognized another friend of his. He immediatly knew who he was talking with, due to the obvious scottish accent: "Ya really love making it tense, don't ya? Dang, I'm glad you're okay. We are gonna get ya out of there, okay? Nikolai already got us a chopper. Once we picked you up, you two will need some medical care. Me and Price will settle our differences with that bastard Shepherd after that..."
"Copy that, Soap! You know, Roach and I  would love to help you there, but I'm afraid we need a break... Too bad you can't kill that son of a dog 4 times... Ghost out!"
"Your hear that, Roach? We actually made it out of another deployment.", Ghost was seemingly happy.
"Never seen you that excited.", Roach joked. He took a break.
"Hey. Thank you. I wouldn't be alive  right now if you weren't there."
"You'd have done the same, mate.", Ghost said, "Now it's time to rest. I don't exspect Nikolai, Soap and Price to pick us up before tomorrow."

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