Roach's test

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"Ghost, what's the holdup?"
"I had to finish my report for Soap... Idiot let me do his paperwork. Who does he think he is?"
"You know exactly he just wanted you to get mad..."
"He seems to have forgotten who he learned from."
"Partly. He was actually under my supervision for quite some time when he was a sergeant. Just like you now."
"How old are you again?"
"Yeah you'd love to know that... Not much older than Soap."
"He's 24. So you're 25 and he made it further than you?"
"Shit, you remembered. I taught him most of what I know and he's a skilled soldier, so yeah, he made it further. I've been rejecting promotions since I've been part of 141."
"Helps you go more unnoticed."
"I wanna be just as good as you some day."
"You want to be better than me."
"I'm done then, no?"
"You'll probably end up dead before that anyway. Alright let's go kill some Russians."
Ghost and Roach got a highly classified assignment to take out a russian weapon smuggler who supplied Makarov in Afghanistan.
"Get Laswell on the comms."
"Ghost 1-1 to actual, how copy?"
"Send it, ghost team."
"This is Ghost. We're wheels up in five."
"Copy that. Remember, only go loud if you have to. You have supressed weapons, use them or all hell's gonna break loose. Use your environment. It's a canyon with steep cliffs on both sides up in the mountains. There's multiple lake-ish water reserves there."
"Got it. Roach, this is going to be a really good lesson."
"I like the sound of that."

In the high mountains of Afghanistan

"What do you mean what?"
"No, what do YOU mean L.T.? Where'd you get that from?"
Roach smirked.
"Soap told me he used to call you L.T."
"Soap's not you."
"How about Si-"
"Ghost will do!", he interrupted Roach harshly.
The two were walking along a cliffside next to a huge canyon.
"Hard to get a laugh from you..."
Ghost just completely ignored what Roach said.
"Roach, you better focus up. The mountains here are dangerous and unpredictable. We got narrow paths ahead."
"Why didn't you bring Riley?"
"Because I like Riley and I don't want to get her killed. Besides, I have got enough to do when you're with me anyways."
"I've been trained for this."
"But I bet I'm still better than you."
"That hurts."
"Don't tell me you have feelings..."
"Unlike you, I have a heart."
"Oh I have a heart. A cold one."
"Most of the time at least."
"Agreed. Let's not talk about this. We've got 800 meters left that way. There's a hidden outpost we're going to infiltrate. Kill the dealer, get useful intel, disappear. Got it?"
"Got it!"
"Watch the cliffs here. Not very stable and very narrow. Hook in to secure yourself."
Ghost handed him a rope to hook them together.
Roach followed Ghost closely. He decided it was better not to look down but as a consequence, he tripped and the next thing he knew was that he was hanging off a cliff.
"Roach, what the fuck?! I told you to watch out! Bloody hell, you're gonna pull me down too!"
"Did you just call me fat?!"
"Shut up you blithering idiot! Pull yourself up or I swear I'll cut the rope!"
Roach tried as hard as he could but he just couldn't find anything to hang on to. Eventually Ghost reached out for him and offered him a hand.
"So you actually do like me?", Roach asked after Ghost pulled him up.
"I don't want you dead, that's for sure. Lesson number one of two here learned."
"What's the second one?"
"Don't take everything I say seriously."
"Huh. What's that supposed to mean?"
"Think about it. Wait, hold."
Ghost suddenly stopped moving.
"Don't. Move."
"What is it?"
"Tell me what you see down there near that rock formation."
"What am I supposed to see, there's nothing there."
"Look closely."
That's when Roach spotted an all ghillied up sniper team of two.
"Now I got 'em. Means we're not far, right?"
"Means that every bloody move could be your last."
"What's the plan?"
"You tell me, this is your lesson, not mine. Move too quickly, you're dead. Try to shoot 'em from that bad of a position like this and miss, you're dead."
"I'm feeling lucky today.", Roach said, pointing down at some water.
"That does not look confidence inspiring by any stretch of the imagination."
"Got a better idea, mister skeletonman?"
"Getting cheeky now? Alright then. They'll notice us, you know that, right?"
"That's why I jump and you continue that way and shoot them."
"Not bad."
"Good luck. And fuckin' hit your shots, mate!"
With that, Roach jumped down about 15 meters into water he didn't even know was deep enough. But it seemed to be his lucky day indeed.
"Ghost, I'm still in one piece."
"What a surprise."
"Come on, shut up and do your job.", Roach laughed. Exactly at the same time, a bullet just barely missed his left shoulder.
"Contact! Better hurry!"
Another shot followed, but this time, Roach wasn't so lucky any more. It hit him right in the chest.
"Bloody fucking hell. Roach? Roach! Do you copy?"
Ghost quickly placed two shots in the enemies' heads and climbed down to see what was up with Roach. He saw him crawling out of the water.
"Roach! Status?!"
"God fucking damn it. What a bloody son of a bitch."
"Where'd he hit you?"
Roach pointed at an entry hole the size of a finger.
"Now, I don't want to alarm you, but I don't even know how you're still alive."
"Ballistic plates, that's how. Still hurts like hell, holy fuck."
"Let me see that, just to be sure."
Roach opened his vest and took out his plate to reveal a bullet stuck in it.
"That plate just stopped a bloody .308. You should keep this above your bed."
"Please tell me you have a backup one."
"Given that I always have to factor in you getting shot, as a matter of fact, I do. Hurry up, we're late for the party. Russians aren't patient and neither am I!"
Roach plated up again and moved on with some serious chest pain.
"Did you ever get shot like that?"
"More than once."
"How'd that go?"
"One was the classroom hostage lads in Ukraine I told you about. I also got shot by Russians while you were crying about your shoulder and by a sniper while trying to defuse an armed bomb inside a drug cartell's outpost in Las Almas. Never complained though. You should stop being a muppet."
"Las Almas?"
"Mexico. Wasn't a huge pleasure being there. The climate sucks and the locals mostly wanted to kill me."
"Why didn't they?"
"Everyone who tried has gone to sleep. Forever."
"Not by choice I guess?"
"By rapid onset of holes in the head. They called me 'el camposantero'. The gravedigger."
"I like the sound o' that. El camposantero. That sounds pretty epic."
"Not for the mexicans. Look. There's the gate."
Ghost pointed at a fence with a door in and two guards besides it.
"Got a suggestion Roach?"
"We go around them right over that rock to their left. No bodies, no attention raised."
"Not bad."
"Learning from the best of the best."
"Finally someone gets it. Get moving."
The two quietly climbed their way up and around the guards.
"Ghost 1-1 to Watcher actual, we're moving interior."
"Copy that, Ghost. Give me another sit-rep when you found the dealer. Stay focused."
"Hey Ghost?"
"What is it?"
"Do you remember what you said to me at the Verdansk airport?"
"I said uncomfortably much that day..."
"You told me that love is the definition of pain and suffering... I've thought about that ever since. Why do you think that?"
"I told you you'll know when you have to."
"We're training, aren't we?"
"We're always training."
"You should prepare me for everything."
Ghost stopped and looked at Roach.
"You know that we don't have time for this, right?"
"So you can't talk AND walk?"
"Cheeky bastard..."
"Alright then. You know what love means, right? It's an attachment to somebody, a feeling, that you can't live without that person. The fear that there may be something out there that has the power to prevent you being near your loved ones inevitably is deeply within you. It chases you, day and night. Always. That's what I feel at least."
"How do you live with that?"
"I don't have anybody left to love, Roach. I don't have anybody..."
"You got me."
"The team is the only thing that's left for me that is anywhere close to being family. And every day, there is a risk of loosing a part of it. When I woke up at the safe house I was sure you were dead. It's a disaster when you know that this happened on your watch."
"You are not responsible for us, you can't blame yourself for anything. Besides, I'm still standing."
"Not even I could forgive myself if any of you were gone. I want you to remember one thing, Roach: Noone fights alone. Not me, not you. We're a team. We stand up for each other."
"Hearing that from the ghost is very surprising."
"Not so much. If nobody cares about your feelings you just stop feeling anything. That's when you end up like me."
"You say that as if it was a bad thing."
"Because it is. Look at me. Don't you think I'd rather live a life like a normal person? Have a family? Someone I can trust and love? This is what I am now and I don't complain. Good luck in the next life."
"You believe in that?"
"No. I believe in nothing but you and me right now."
"Good to hear. Look, there's the location we're looking for."
Roach pointed out a few buildings up ahead.
"Do we have air support or are we going to stealth kill that dealer?"
"Air support. Packed an IR laser."
"Alright. This is ghost 1-2 to Watcher actual, how copy?"
"Send traffic."
"We found intel locations. We're going to split up and search them for information about weapon deals."
"Good. Once your done, contact the air support. They're circling the area with a gunship."
"Who are we dealing with, ma'am?"
"American PMCs. Commander's name is Phillip Graves."
"What're they called?"
"Classified. Out."
"Now that is strange, isn't it?"
"Roach, you don't have to know everything. I take overwatch, you go and search the buildings."
"Ah yes? Why don't you go."
"Do I have to explain to you how a hierarchie works?"
"Just taking the piss, sir. See you then."
"Yeah I hope so..."
Roach set off to go and find some intel while Ghost set up for overwatch. He watched Roach casually walking up to two guards.
"Watch this. Hey mates, how are ya?"
"Fucking hell..."
Ghost just couldn't imagine what idiotic ideas were developping in Roach's head and made sure to cover him if needed.
"Who the fuck are you, how did you get here?", the guards audibly shouted.
"Hey, would you mind holding on to this for just a second?"
"Roach, what the fuck are you doing? Stop goofing around, for hell's sake."
Roach handed a pen to one of the two guards, then he started beating up the other one while the first one was still wondering why the hell he was given that pen.
"You are ridiculous, Roach. You literally brought a pen to a gun fight."
"No sir. Not a pen. A shock stick."
That's when Ghost saw electric sparks flying around the first guard as a consequence of which he went down.
"Not bad. Could not have done that any more stupid."
"If it works, it works, right?"
"Practicality over beauty, Roach. Lesson learned, good job. Move on inside the first building."
"Solid copy, moving."
Ghost watched Roach enter the first target.
"Lost visual, you're on your own now."
"Yes I am. But why?"
"Because I can't see through walls..."
"No, there is nobody here."
"Well observed. You need to prepare better. It was said that there would be a meeting of the stationed soldiers of this outpost and the dealer this afternoon. Seems like our Intel was right on point. See what you can find."
"Yes sir."
Meanwhile Ghost had spotted the dealer in the middle of the building complex.
"Ghost 1-1 to Watcher actual, I found the target. Ready for fire mission as soon as Roach is back."
"Copy that, contact Graves."
"Ghost 1-1 to Phillip Graves, how copy?"
"Crystal. Good to hear from you, boys. Ready for some action or what?"
"Not yet. Wait until I mark targets. Confirm my location with thermal."
"Got a hit on you. We're standing by."
"Who are you?"
"Repeat last."
"I know you're American PMCs but what's your call sign?"
"Yeah, Shadow Company."
"Stand by. Roach?"
"What is it?"
"Got some bad news. Laswell sent us Shadow Company as air support."
"She did WHAT? Those bastards still exist?"
"I'm reasonably angry right now. Laswell?!"
"What is it, Lieutenant?"
"Why the fuck did you send Shadow Company and why for fuck's sake do they still exist?"
"Shepherd is dead, Ghost, and we can not abandon one of the best companies we have just because a part of them were hired guns. This is the reason I didn't tell you."
"I hate not being told those details and you know it..."
"Out here."
"Fuckin' hell... Roach, have you found something?"
"God damn hell... Well yes, it seems like it. I got a hit on Makarov."
"I got his location. They had contact with him just today. I'll take this notebook..."
"Good, that's what we wanted. Get out of there and let those bastards do their job. Let's hope they spare us this time. Shadow 1-1, we're marking targets with IR laser."
"Gotcha Ghost team, cam, gimme a sitrep."
"All targets marked, sir."
"Great. Gunner, squeeze the trigger, will ya?"
"Copy that sir."
"Ghost team, be advised, you are danger close. This is gonna pack a punch, I suggest you get yer ass away from the missile."
"Holy shit, it's one of those guys again..."
"What's that now, sir?", Roach asked.
"American throughout..."
"Well they are American PMCs."
"Look Roach, there it goes."
The missile hit the ground at the base and there was a huge fireball. Roach and Ghost were thrown away by the shockwave.
"Bloody hell. Watcher, this is Ghost team. Confirm direct hit on the target, I repeat, target destroyed. The dealer is KIA."
"Good job, Ghost. You too, Roach."
"Thanks ma'am."
"What's the call, lieutenant?"
"I have a request."
"Get me that Graves. I want to talk to him after exfil."
"Listen now, I just got you a ton of intel and killed your bloody dealer and I don't even get to talk to someone?"
"Stay calm lieutenant. I'll see what I can do."

Some time later at an American airfield

"Yes, Ghost?"
"You see that plane?"
"Yep. It's a Lockheed AC130. Seems like the one we're looking for."
"Listen up. You go talk to them. I want to know who they are, why they're here, what they are doing, who Graves is and if we can trust them."
"You won't go with me?"
"I will. I will do what I can do best."
"Which would be?"
"Stay in the shadows..."
The two soldiers went off to talk to their air support and met them at the landing zone.
"Affirmative. Who's askin'?"
"Sergeant Sanderson, sir. Thanks for the assist."
"Ain't no problem. You know I love that shit."
"My friend back there and me were just wondering why it was... Why it was you they sent to help us."
" 'Cause we fuckin' know what we're doing."
Graves turned around to his Shadows.
"Ain't that right, fellas?"
"There have been some, well, unwanted incidents concerning your unit in the past."
"You talkin' 'bout Shepherd, that old scumbag?"
"You know what he did?"
"He burned two members of 141, that I know."
"Did he?"
"Sorry, excuse me for a second."
Roach went over to where Ghost was standing while Graves was watching them.
"What's it now, Ghost?"
"He doesn't know that that was us. There's two possible reasons for that, the first one being that he's smart and just doesn't say he was there when we escaped. The second one is that he really was not there. I don't trust them. Go back and ask some more."
Roach walked back over to Graves.
"Now, who's that guy?"
"It's the lieutenant."
"He got a name?"
"Everyone's got a name."
"Not him. Ask him yourself, I'm sure he won't say more than I do. Anyways, back to where were. You know it was Shadow Company that carried out Shepherd's operation sabotage, as he called it?"
"I'm informed about what my Shadows do."
"That doesn't sound confidence inspiring."
"Listen here, Sergeant. Those men are loyal towards everything they're told. Everything I command, they execute. And I don't ever remember acting against my own. You boys, 141, you're my brothers just like my Shadows are. We had a problem with outlaws during Shepherd's time. That's all sorted out now and we don't have any issues. I assure you we won't do what those fuckers did to your teammates. We're proud warriors, not traitors. Call me whenever you need me, I gotta check the plane."
"Now that seemed suspicious."
"Fucking hell, can you stop coming out of nowhere?"
"That's why I'm called Ghost."
"I don't know, sir. He seems like a good man."
"Don't trust him. Don't trust anybody, okay? People you trust can hurt you the most."
"What about you?"
"If I wouldn't know better I'd say me you can trust. But you're still learning, so be ready for everything."
"What's that supposed to mean."
"Oh don't worry I won't exploit your trust. What I want to tell you is that you have to start with yourself. If you don't trust yourself, the battle is lost before it started."
"Good advice."
"I have to be usefull for something, right?"
"Oh shut up. I'd have died 6 times if it wasn't for you. You have my deepest respect. Thank you, sir."
"You learned a lot, Roach. Last time I've seen someone as good as you was back when Soap was still a Sergeant."

2 weeks later at Task Force 141's headquarters

There was a knock on Price's door.
"Come in."
"You wanted to talk to me, Simon?"
"Yes, about Roach."
"Heard he did a good job?"
"Once again, yes. Is Laswell here?"
"Yeah, she wanted to come in anyway in just a minute. Now, what's up with Roach?"
"He has learned a lot since I first met him. He's skilled, creative, fast and efficient. Reminds me of you when you were still young."
"Ah, shut up, Simon. My back kills me."
Price did an overexaggerated stretch and laughed.
"He deserves more."
"What are you thinking about?"
"Promote him. Make him our new lieutenant."
"What about you?"
"I'll do what I do best. Stay in the shadows."
'You're quitting?"
"No sir. I'm not a quitter. I'll do what I used to do. Work alone. It hurts, but I have to let Roach go"
"He really became important to you, didn't he?"
"Yeah, he did. He showed me there was still some life left in me. That I'm not entirely what my mask says I am. A cold hearted killer. He was the one who showed me that there's people out there worth fighting for. It's hard, but letting him go is the right thing to do."
"Alright then. Laswell and I will make that happen, if it's your wish."
"Thank you, Captain."
Ghost turned around to leave the room.
"We're going for Makarov now. We found him, thanks to your intel. He won't stand a chance."
"Looking forward to it."

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