3• loki

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a/n: it's 3:36am, i'm severely sleep deprived and i'm writing this on my phone. but i'm in the mood for a bit of an angsty kind of chapter so here. feel free to skip 😭
tw; shouting, swearing

"you're late" Loki's voice was cold and monotonous and to anyone else it would've been terrifying.

"i got stuck in really bad traffic, i did text you. there was an accident on the road. i promise i didn't forget" y/n spilled out. she felt terrible, they had had this date planned for ages and she tried so hard to get here on time, "i'm really sorry"

the date was supposed to be dinner for the two of them to celebrate their one-year-anniversary; with y/n working for Nick Fury and Loki being in Asgard most of the time, they rarely got to spend time together, so this was special.

"you could've used a better excuse than that, come on y/n" Loki turned round to look at her this time, the whites in his eyes had a faint pink tint to them. His voice was slightly raised and his hair was in a low ponytail.

"no it's true i promise. i wouldn't have forgotten about our date i've been looking forward to it for so long." her voice had a kind of pleading tone to it. she was desperate. "i didn't forget i swear"

"stop with the excuses y/n! you were late to something we have planned and talked about for at least the past month! how does someone even do that! i have sat here waiting for you for an hour! an hour y/n! imagine how that would make you feel if i did that to you!" he shouted, anger was obvious in his voice and it terrified y/n. usually when they would argue, which was rarely, he would never shout. the joke time they had been together, y/n had never really seen loki shout at all, he always made sure to keep calm and collected around her.

"i'm really sorry Loki" her voice was now little and there were tears in free fall down her cheeks. he was towering over her and she didn't want to make him more mad when she'd never seen him like this before ever, "i left 20 minutes early to make sure i would be here on time then i turned out of the street and traffic was backed up down the whole road and i was stuck in it. i did text you and tell you. i promise it wasn't on purpose. i was so excited too. i'm so sorry i honestly-"

he pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head, "i didn't mean to shout at you i'm sorry. it's okay i know you didn't do it on purpose i was just angry. i'm sorry i scared you and i'm sorry for shouting at you."

"i love you"

"i love you too"

i hate this sm. i was falling asleep while writing it. usually in like imagined it's always y/n shouting at the other person for being late so i wanted to kind of put a twist on it but it's so shit. anyways, happy late valentine's day.

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