5• loki laufeyson

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Y/n and Loki are madly in love with each other but neither of them know

'I could sit here with him forever' she thought to herself. Watching an endless sunset with Loki, really was her idea of perfection; a blanket wrapped around them both, his arm draped around her shoulders holding her closer.  The sky was illuminated with all sorts of warm colours and the sun was peeking through the silhouettes of the trees. 

He smiled down at her, she wouldn't have seen him do it, she was too busy watching the sun. Y/n looked beautiful with the golden light pouring onto her face and the breeze slightly blowing through her hair. One of her hands was holding Loki's while the other fiddled with the grass. 'i want her to be mine forever' he thought to himself. 

The truth was, Y/n wanted to be with Loki forever too, she was convinced she could never love anyone else as deeply and truly as she loved him. She just never thought he could ever feel the same way she did. There was no way he could feel the same. 'you're just friends y/n' is what she would tell herself, 'you're just friends'

They were both too far in love with each other to realise how fast they were falling. Loki wanted to hold her like this forever, he would have told her how he felt but he wouldn't dare ruin what they had because he would rather have this and hold in everything, no matter how much it was killing him, than not have her at all.

He planted a kiss onto the side of her head, letting it linger for a second. Butterflies grew in Y/n's stomach, relentlessly fluttering around. A simple kiss made her melt, she wanted nothing more than to just be able to tell him how she felt but it was near impossible. She loved him more than anything but she couldn't lose him. It would kill her. 

Loki's lips lingered for a while, 'just tell her' 'Y/n i love you' 'Y/n ive never felt this way about anyone before but i think i'm in love with you' 'Y/n i hope this doesn't ruin what we have but im in love with you'. All the different outcomes were running around his head 100 miles a minute, most outcomes ended in her getting up and running away.

No matter how much they both desperately wanted to tell each other they were in love with the other, they would never say anything to anyone. It was a secret they both buried deeply inside, hoping one day it would just fade away. It never would though, they were soulmates and that was the worst part. Neither of them had the guts to take that leap. 

This is really short and i don't know if i like it, but it's 1:20AM and this idea just popped into my head but i honestly don't know if it makes sense. 

<3: whats your favourite season?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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