4• bucky barnes

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bucky finds y/n asleep in their bed after they had an argument

"why are you shouting? im not shouting at you and you're shouting at me"

"im not shouting at you y/n im getting my point across to you"

"you could do it in a nicer way"

"see you're still not fucking listening this is what i was trying to tell you."

"i'm not arguing with you over this james"

"you're not even taking in anything im saying" he yelled, "you're just sat there. you're not hearing me. it's all going in one ear and out the other. that's how it always is with you. i don't even know why i keep trying with you y/n"

"fuck off"

"this is what i mean" he threw his hands up into the air then put his head in his hands, "you're childish"

"you're right. i'm not listening to you because you're not even listening to half the shit you're saying to me. and im definitely not gonna let you just scream at me like a 5 year old who can't get his way, especially you don't mean all this"

he walked out

all the lights were off in the apartment they shared, bucky threw his keys onto the table and looked around to try find
y/n. he found her in the bedroom, the dim light of the lamp shone on her face, she was asleep and she had mascara stains down her cheeks.

"come to bed" y/n mumbled sleepily with her eyes still shut

bucky got changed and got into bed with her, wrapping her in his arms and giving her a kiss on the top of her head, "i'm sorry, i love you so much. i didn't mean any of it. i love you"

"i know" she looked up at him and smiled then gave him a kiss, "i love you too"

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