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Next morning, Avneet was throwing all her clothes here and there. She was getting frustrated. She never knew that she didn't even have a single piece of formal clothing. When she was studying in italy she used to wear skirts and knee length dresses most of the time. But she can't wear those for the interview. She finally found a suitable outfit and got ready.

 She walked to the dining while arranging her documents. She began to eat breakfast and  asked her mom about going to shopping. Her mom said that a new showroom is going to open today in dad's mall and the collection is quite good. They were going to the inaugaration of the mall in the evening.

Jai interrupted,'' You are asking for clothes as if you have got the job.'' Avneet narrowed her eyes and told him to shut up.

Avneet's dad told her to come now, its time to go. She touched her mom's feet, kissed her cheek and ran toward the car and sat on front seat with her dad. They reached Nigam Enterprises. Avneet touched his feet. He wished her luck and told her that he would not be able to pick her so she has to come in a cab.

Avneet's pov

I nodded and bade bye to my dad. I looked at the building. Well I have seen it many times while passing from this road but not this closely. It was quite spacious and beautiful. As an architect I approve it.  I went in and asked at the reception for the  interview. The receptionist told me the floor no. I walked to the lift and went in. I walked through the corridor and saw people sitting in chairs. I went and sat in a chair.

 I was waiting. It had been twenty minutes since I came and no one was telling us anything about the interview. Just then a lady in her mid forties came and apologized for the delay. She said that Mr. Nigam had some urgent work so she would take their interview. I thought it was weird but whatever. Now I had started getting cold feet. I  took a deep breath and thought to myself that everything will be fine. I have all the qualifications needed for the job.  One by one  everyone was called in and now it was my turn. I gave the interview confidently and again waited outside. After some time the lady called my name. I went in and she told me to take a seat. I sat in the chair. She said that I was selected and congratulated me. We discussed the salary and I was quite happy with the amount. I thanked her.

She told me to come behind her. I did as she said. She began to tell me about my work and how I had to complete the due work of the former architect. She took me to my cabin told me that Mr. Nigam's cabin is on the right side and hers is on the left side. She said that Mr. Nigam doesn't like people coming late to the office. Apparently today he was the one who delayed the interview.

 She gave me an assuring smile and told not to worry and to ask her for any kind of help. I smiled back and thanked her. She said, '' You can join from tomorrow and do all the paperwork on the reception.'' I nodded and started looking at my cabin. Well I kind of liked it. Just a few things and it would be perfect. It has to be perfect as I had to spend a lot of time here. Then I went to receptionist  who was quite annoying and completed my paperwork. 

Now I remembered that I had to book a cab. Oh god why me? I booked the cab and waited for some time. It was not like my family could not afford another car. Obviously they could and they had offered me a thousand times but I wanted buy my first car with only my money. The cab arrived and I went to the house. Then I went running to them to tell them that I got the job. I hugged mom and jai. Mom said that she knew it already. And Jai said to do a party next weekend. I agreed and then realized that they were dressed up. I remembered going to the inaugaration and shopping. I ran to my room and shouted  ''Just 5 minutes.''

I came out in 10 minutes. Well its okay. And then we went to the inagauration party in the mall. The party was in the center hall of the mall. I hugged dad and reem (my bff). I gave a long lecture to  her for not telling me about her relationship. Then Jai came and they began their lovey-dovey talks. Mom and Dad were talking to their business partners and shop owners so I decided not to interfere. I was getting bored so I went to the showroom and started searching for formal clothing when someone caught my hand and pulled me.


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