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Naruto burst into the classroom, in his normal way, internally sighing in preparation for the ridicule that he was going to receive from everyone, fully aware they most likely hadn't learned about him passing his own exam.

"Morning everyone, dattebayo!"

Once again, the classroom went silent as everyone stared at him. That's when Sakura spoke out, screeching loudly.

"Why the hell are you here? This room is only for students who actually passed the graduation exams, dumbass!"

The classroom erupted into peals of laughter, causing Naruto to duck his head. He was fighting back his tears, mentally scolding himself for showing his true emotions.

"Ooo~ someone's about to start crying because he's such a big baby!" a random kid exclaimed, causing more laughter to burst forth.

Naruto simply sucked up his tears, and lifted his head, pretending to be pissed off at her, instead of what he was really feeling.

"I ain't crying, dattebayo! I'm just surprised all you guys are so blind you can't even see the Hitai-ate on my forehead! So there!" Naruto crossed his arms over his chest, pouting, and claimed the seat next to Sasuke, much to the displeasure of his fangirls.

Sakura and Ino quickly walked up to the blond, and began yelling at him, screaming that he should move.

'These two banshees are so annoying. I don't even care about this emo bastard. But I guess to continue with my character, I have to put on some kind of act. With an inaudible sigh, Naruto jumped onto the desk in front of Sasuke, glaring into the raven's eyes, until someone from the row ahead turned slightly and bumped into Naruto.

Shikamaru, seeing what was about to happen, moved without even thinking, or realizing what he was doing until it was too late.

Right as Naruto was about to lock lips in an accidental kiss with Sasuke, Pineapple pushed Sasuke out of the way, forcing Naruto to kiss him instead, much to the shock of many students.

Naruto stared in shock at Shikamaru while they remained in an awkward kiss, before Kurama reminded him what was going on, and where they were, and Naruto quickly threw himself away from Shikamaru, a shocked expression still on his face.

Pineapple was almost immediately swarmed by Sasuke's fangirls, who thanked him immensely for "sparing Sasuke's virgin lips from the class clown."

With difficulty, Shikamaru fought his way back to his desk, right as Iruka walked into the classroom.

"I want to congratulate you all again, on doing such an amazing job and graduating yesterday. As you all take this next step toward your futures, remember to do your best, and I'll always be around if you ever need someone to talk to about anything," Iruka said, tears building up in his eyes.

"With that being said, it's time to announce the teams for this year's graduates! Team 1..."

'I can't believe Shikamaru let me kiss him like that. I mean, I'm grateful of course, because without his interference I probably would've been a bloody pulp by now, but still. He definitely didn't need to spare me from that. I wonder why he did. It was very noble of him.'

On the other side of the classroom, another student was also spacing out, but from very different reasons. 'I can't believe I kissed him like that! What the hell came over me? He was going to kiss Sasuke, so why did I stop it and push the Emo out of the way? I obviously don't care much about him if I was willing to full on knock him on his ass to get to Naruto. Does that mean that I like Naruto? And if so, when? And what can I do about it?'

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