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Naruto arrived at the training grounds promptly at 10am, full and content. He had, of course, taken his own advice and eaten breakfast, not to mention he didn't get up until 8 and ate about 9.

"You're late, Baka!" Sakura screeched, as always.

Naruto cleaned his ear with his pinkie, looking at it in a mock gesture as if looking for blood.

"You're really loud. Good morning to you too, Sakura, Teme. Did you take my advice, Sasuke?" The raven nodded slightly, and Naruto took that as a win. He knew Sakura hadn't listened to him, for the sole reason that she seemed to hate him.

Half an hour after Naruto arrived, Kakashi poofed into existence in front of them.

Naruto applied his mask, realizing it had been slipping so quickly it was a wonder nobody had noticed it before.

"You're late, Sensei!" Both Sakura and Naruto called out.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head, pulled out his orange book, and put one of his hands in a pocket as he slouched and began to read.

"I was on my way here, when a black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way," Kakashi responded lazily.

Naruto mentally rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, today we're going to do that Genin exam. All you have to do, is get one of these bells from me before noon, and you pass. As added incentive, those who pass get one of the bentos I brought with me."

Sakura, being the dumb blond/pinkette she is, had to point out the obvious. "There's only two bells, sensei."

"Exactly. Good luck. And don't forget to come at me with the intent to kill." Kakashi gave his eye-smile, and shouted, "Go!"

The three Genin-hopefuls disappeared into the trees around the grounds, hiding their chakra signatures as best they could.

'Huh, I would've thought Naruto's control would be so abysmal he wouldn't be able to conceal himself, but I can't even tell where he is. The other two, on the other hand, need to work harder. Sasuke is like a sitting duck butt, and Sakura isn't any better. Guess it's my job as their sensei to teach them a lesson.'

While Kakashi was having his inner monologue, Naruto had snuck over to Sasuke's side, and nearly scared the butt off his hair.

"Sasuke," Naruto started. "I know the point of this exam. It's teamwork. Do you know any 3-man cells?"

Sasuke had to admit the blond had a point. "What do you have in mind?"

Naruto explained his plan, and then went over to find Sakura, and also recruit her for the plan as well, grateful he had gone to the duck-ass first, otherwise, Bubblegum wouldn't have been willing to help him at all.

"Sakura. I know the point of the exam. It's teamwork."

"What are you talking about? If the point was teamwork, why are there only two bells?"

"Because he's trying to trick us into working against each other. Have you ever seen a shinobi team consisting of only 3 members?"

Sakura thought about it, only to admit that, no, in fact she had never seen a squad have only three members. It normally consists of a leader, and three subordinates.

"Well, if that's the case, then I want to work with Sasuke-kun, not some Baka like you."

Naruto rolled his eyes, once again grateful for his choice of order. "I already asked Sasuke, and he's in on my plan. Here's what we'll do..."

Naruto appeared in the clearing in the middle of the training grounds, looking and listening for his sensei. He saw what appeared to be the two bells hanging from a tree, and hurried toward them. Before he reached them, however, he noted the snare laying on the ground right below them. He smirked, and grabbed the bells, creating a Shadow CLone without any handsigns, who stepped into the snare, and was bounced up and down, caught in the trap.

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