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"Naruto, try to actually dodge your opponent's attacks!"

"Sasuke-Kun! You're so amazing!"

"Hn, Dobe, you're so pathetic. I can't believe you were even allowed to graduate from the academy."

Naruto and Sasuke were sparring for their training, with Kakashi and Sakura watching. Kakashi was "coaching" from the side, while Sakura was a little cheer squad for the Duck. Said Duck was being a sassy ass and believing that he was better than everyone. Naruto, of course, was hiding his true abilities. For some reason, even after everything that had happened that day, when Naruto had blown up at them, nothing had really changed. Sasuke was still a cocky asshole, Sakura was still a loud, annoying fangirl, and Kakashi was still a horrible teacher.

At least, Kakashi appeared to have not changed. Really, he was observing his student's behavior. After what happened, he was worried about what might make him snap again. Every insult Sakura threw at him, every time Sasuke taunted him, Kakashi was nervous that it would be the one to send Naruto over the edge, maybe too far over the edge. He didn't know how far the drop was, but he was worried it was similar to his father's. Especially after what he'd been told in the meeting, the true meaning behind Naruto always wearing that jumpsuit jacket, no matter the time of year. However, he didn't explain it to Sakura and Sasuke yet. He didn't think it was right to tell his other students the third's secrets without permission, especially if he wasn't sure if Naruto was even aware he himself knew them.

So he kept quiet for now. Watched from the sidelines, and attempted to be as indifferent as he could. (Which wasn't as difficult as he made it out to be.)

Naruto was knocked down once again, and Sakura cheered on the Duck-ass. Sasuke simply grunted, before looking down at the "idiot" before him, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Give up, Dobe, you're never going to win against me."

"Go, Sasuke-Kun!"

Naruto just looked up at the Duck standing over him, no expression whatsoever, which threw the two off. He decided to tell them what Shikamaru had brought up a few days ago, the real reason behind him failing the graduation exam, specifically the weapons portion.

"You really think I can't win against you?" Naruto asked, slowly getting up from the ground. His blond hair was in his face, preventing anyone from seeing his expression.

"Obviously, Usuratonkachi. Don't you get it? You're just a useless loser who can't even hit a target right."

That was the opening Naruto hadn't even expected, but was grateful for.

"You wanna bet?"

Sasuke smirked. "Don't even need to. I don't think you could hit the target even once from 2 meters away."

"Deal. But if I win, you have to buy my groceries for 2 months."

"And if you lose?" Sasuke rose an eyebrow at the blond.

"If I happen to lose, then you can use me as a punching bag for 20 minutes straight, without me retaliating."

"That doesn't seem very fair. How about if I win, you have to do whatever I say for 2 months?"

"Deal. Where's the target?"

Kakashi had taken the chance, while they were determining the wager, to get a target from Iruka, with a promise to return it when they were done with it. Now he put the target up on a tree, and drew a line with a fallen branch two meters away from it.

"Oh, Sasuke-Kun, I know you're going to win this! You're just amazing at everything!" Sakura praised. Sasuke ignored her.

He stepped up to the line first. Before he threw he turned to Naruto. "How many are we throwing?"

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