The Bunny Hop

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Italian translation by Bea_Hemmings__ if you'd rather read it in Italian

Warning: cuteness over load; smut

Short story

Alternate universe

Happy Easter, if you celebrate.

Note: I don't celebrate Easter, but I know the basics. Tell me if I'm wrong, please. (:


"Harry, are you ready to go?" Louis asked impatiently, knocking on the door to their shared bedroom, which was locked.

Harry's gravely voice replied back, "Louis, orange may be my favorite color, but it isn't my color. I look washed out."

Louis rolled his eyes at his fiancé's chattering, crossing his arms. "I'm sure you look fine, love."

Harry came out of the bedroom, dressed in the orange shirt Louis bought him and- yeah, orange isn't Harry's color.


"Look at all the little kids!" Louis squealed, looking around at all the children. They were at a street carnival to celebrate the day coming up- Easter.

Louis, the holiday fanatic he was, was dressed in tight yellow skinnies, a white tea, and green Vans. He blended in with the children dressed in bright colors.

Harry, fortunately for him, was able to put on his usual tee, but agreed to wear a grey one instead if black, along with light-wash skinnies and brown leather sandals.

The two, hands linked tightly, made their was through the crowd, and caught sight of children lined up with their parents, playing games.

The Bunny Hop was scratched across a wooden sign, catching Louis's attention. The lad bounced over in excitement, gripping Harry's hand even tighter.

"A bunny hop, Harry! Can we try it? Please?" Louis begged.

"That's for children, Louis, I-"

"Sir? Can you be my partner for The Bunny Hop?" Harry looked down to where a kid was tugging on his tee, eyes wide.

"Oh, I-" Harry started, but Louis stepped in, grinning.

"He'd love to!" Louis cheered and rushed to find a child in need of a partner.

Ten minutes later, Harry had a child balanced on his feet, preparing to bounce with the kid. Beside him, Louis was blanching a small girl on his tiny, Van-clad feet, holding her hands up and whispering excitedly.

Harry chuckled at the sight of his fiancé before squeezing the young boy's hands. "Are you ready to hip, buddy?"

"Yeah!" The kid responded happily.

"See the boy beside us, standing with the girl?"

The child glanced over to Louis before looking back up at Harry and nodding.

"We have to beat them," Harry whispered, smiling wickedly. The boy, ready for competition, nodded and set his eyes forward.

"Okay," a man said, stepping up to the 'finish line'. "All of you will have to hop to this line, holding your partner tight, okay? Ready... Go!"

Harry, having long legs, was able to hop far, but he was rather clumsy, which made him slow. Louis was in a bit of a downfall. He was tiny, making his hips small and it didn't help that he was carrying an extra weight.

In the end, a muscled man and his daughter won.

Louis gave the girl a kiss on the cheek and then returned to Harry, who was patting the boy's head fondly.

"Harry, that was fun," Louis said with a soft smile. Harry pecked his lips fondly.

"It was."

Bunnies and Hatchlings {Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now