Chapter 2: Imagination Or Reality

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Before I start this chapter  I just wanted to know on if you guys would enjoy this book in either: First person from different perspectives, or third person but using quotes. Its a really big question that has been bothering me so I thought I'd get it off my chest. This Chapter WILL be in third person as I said recently, but after a chapter of each I will need opinions and decisions. Also SPOILER ALERT, Martin was dreaming about dreaming... yh Idk how that works either but I thought I could start of in a different way. This time introducing more characters :)

"Five more minutes!" Martin yelled to his parents as he flung the covers over his head and abruptly closed his eyes. Once again it was that same old school morning. 

Martin sprouted out of bed realising that the time has just passed 8:00 am, meaning, late. With no time to do anything he sprinted down the stairs, grabbed his bag and clutched onto it as he ran outside to the bus stop. 'Was I dreaming about dreaming?' he thought. With a confused, puzzled look on his face he managed to catch the bus on time... but still resulted in being late by 10 minutes. Tiredly, he paced to lesson keeping the thoughts and questions in his head. 'I could have sworn it was real'. 

Atlast, it was break time. Still in confusion, Martin made his way out onto the yard and caught up with his fellow classmate 'Kadie'. Before any words escaped from their mouths to greet each other, a tall figure emerged from behind and pushed the two out of the way. With a cry back from Kadie yelling "HEY!" The person turned around to see Martin and Kadie staring, eye to eye directly at him. In fustration, Kadie began to question the figure, which was now clear to been seen as a boy. Whithin a minute, the anonymous student thrusted himself forward at them, causing Kadie to go flying backwards. In the next second he was stood upright, infront of her, with a face looking like he was about to hurt her. Being smaller than the bully, Martin couldn't do anything but helplessly yell "LEAVE HER ALONE". Slowly, the boys right arm was starting to raise. His face grew red and his arms started to tense. Anger. Everything about this guy showed anger.  All of a sudden, from the distance grew a loud yelling of a familiar voice. "DON'T TOUCH KADIE", growled a voice that everyone knew. Martin looked to his left to to see his friend Danny Riggs defending Kadie by pushing away the unknown bully and strongly sticking up for her. Within a short matter of time, a teacher appeared from the bushes... Lol jk xD Sorry I had to. Anyway - a teacher appeared and automatically sorted out the problem.

"Are you okay?" Danny soothingly asked Kadie. "Yeah I'm fine!" She replied. "It happens all the time, bloody year 11s thinking they're hard".

Speechless, Martin watched as they both walked inside to the canteen. "I'll catch you guys later!" He yelled, and then set foot towards the school field, where Samia Ashood and a group of friends where hanging out. He wished he told someone about his dream but after seeing what happened, Martin decided to keep his ideas for another time. 

"Hai", said Samia, as Martin walked towards her and Alissa, putting in a pair of earphones to Taylor Swift. "Hey..." He answered back. Silence filled the air as it was an awkward time to start a conversation. Martin had so much going on in his mind but then so did everyone else. With everyone having their own problems and situations, it was a very depressive atmosphere. Alissa stepped in and at the top of her voice said, "What'cha listening to?" She was trying to break the silence between everyone. "Umm, 1989?" The awkwardness once again filled the atmosphere and Martin decided to walk off after Danny and Kadie went inside. With a shaking hand, he waved goodbye and quickly walked inside. There he found everyone sat around a table talking about gaming and chose to join in. The next minute he knew, it was time to continue his next lesson. Martin took out his earphones, paused his music and walked ahead of everyone. STILL he was questioning and concerning his experience. 

"I just hope this day will be over with", he sighed, and carried on with his walk.

Okay, Already I'm not entirely sure on how this is still going to work. Any ideas on First/Third person yet? I also understand that this was 3rd person but kinda based on me... which wasn't intended. So if 3rd I kinda think I will write a chapter specified on a certain character or moment. As usual please tell me what you think, and if you know me and want to be in this story please tell me. Coz I need more characters already... or i might just be going to fast. ALSO i know that I should take time on this to make it more detailed and structured BUT i wanted to write one of each type of person to try out different story styles. ALSO, i need better connectives, I hate this word >> and, and this word >> also. I'm starting to not understand myself now. Well thats that, I probably won't have another chapter untill like weeks or maybe even months, because I wan't this book to be something I can say I wrote in the past. I MIGHT even rewrite it but with more confidence and NOT past 12 midnight... coz i can't concentrate. And tbh I shouldn't be writing things if my brain isn't fully functioning... See i used 'and' again. Someone plz stop me. ALSO... I need to STOP using so many ellipses and turning words into capitals. Examples being in this sentence... << See there I did it again. OKAY I need to stop now, people will think I'm asking for attention.

I hope ya'll enjoyed chapter 2, even though u prob didn't. and if you have any feedback please don't hesitate to comment. Look I used 'and' again -_- I'm just gonna stop writing now...

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