Chapter 1: The Miracle Of Dreams

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'Dreams'... yep, dreams :/ Can't get enough of them. Well, untill my annoying parents wake me up in the middle of a PERFECTLY GOOD SLEEP!! Never will I ever have enough time to meet the love of my dreams, the one and only 'Taylor Swift'. Oh, and I forgot to mention, my names Martin. Welcome to my world. :)

7:00 am, monday morning, worst feeling ever. As always i have to do the ordinary routine of waking up, getting dressed, brushing my teeth and washing my face. Yes... I do skip breakfast, simply because I have no time!! So yeah, off to my amazing school -_-  On a bus that stinks of genuine s*** :/ I don't think I have ever had a morning with a straight smile on my face. Then you have the 'bus bullies', who are those people who just can't stand getting on your nerves for one bus journey to or from school. With the bell gone , its time to make my way to lessons.

Really doesn't help the fact that my school really sucks. Oh well right!? Like who cares about school?.... actually don't answer that many people do. How does one survive a full day! Like eurghh, so many questions! Anyway, there I am, sat in an art lesson thinking 'how am i doing this', questioning the many wonders of my life like always, when me and my friend Danny (but you can call him Skylar... no that is not just a girls name) are called out of class by a strange man named 'Mr Pendleton'. He looked very old, wore a stylish tuxedo, thin pants, leather boots and stood in a very formal way. "Do you know why I am here?" The man said. We shook our heads in confusion and in way so awkard it was strange. He continued, "6 months ago you entered a 'Meet and Greet' under the names Tang, and Boland, Am I right?" Taking a minute to remeber I yelled out 'Heck yeah!" forgetting that I was stood in the corridors of my own school, where lessons were still taking place. So basically Danny and I, entered a competition months ago for a chance to attend a 'meet and greet' each wtih a celebrity of choice (from a list of 500). Obviously me choosing Taylor Swift and Danny choosing Chandler Riggs. At this time we were both really hyped and couldn't hold onto ourselves... even though the man hadn't stopped talking. After we managed to contain a grip, he faintly said 'well, you two guys are our runners up". Lightning struck our hearts, as the one and only chance to meet our idols crumbles away to dust. Pendleton clearly saw the dissapointed look on our faces, and without a word walked away towards the main enterance.

Danny and I walk back into lesson, depressed off course, being questioned by fellow classmates on what the drama was about. As we told our sad little experience, I thought about the many dreams I had, and how I would never forfill them in a million years. The atmosphere was dark, as in it was the end of our lives. I decided to write my self a diary entry about this day (So not what I'm doing now) and before I knew it, it was break time. Hurray! Phase 1 of captivity completed, now is just the part of 2 more lessons and 1 more break -_- Like really, I NEED TO GO HOME AND GAME! 15 minutes of break, or 20? I think? I'm not sure, 3 years in high school and I still don't know my break length. After a really great break (please note the sarcasm), guess what time it is? Not not like literally... like, school wise :/ You probably didn't even care and are just reading on. Very well then. So it is time for OUR SECOND LESSON! YAY... God i really am a bad person when it comes to writing about my school, don't ever nominate me to describe my experience if you are reading this. 

Tiredly, I make my way up the stairs, but am stopped by a similar voice behind me. I stop in my tracks and turn around to see not only Mr Pendleton, but my admiration herself, Taylor Swift...

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