𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢

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📍 Camelot

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📍 Camelot

January, 505 AD

My heart threatened to jump out of my chest as Dallas and I trotted through the woods. We had set off just as the sun had begun to rise, wasting no time. I needed to get to the castle before the men from the night before tried anything. Arthur was in grave danger, which caused a big turmoil inside of me, aggravated by the fact that I couldn't go any faster due to the stupid wagon. And it didn't help, either, not knowing whether anyone there was aware of the small issue.

A relieved sigh left me as the castle rooftops appeared above the tree-line. We weren't far now. All we had to do was push on. So push on we did. 

I relished the cool breeze in my face and the faint strokes of sunlight caressing my skin. Already, it was regaining the pink-ish colour that it had acquired during our time here, which had been lost during the months I'd spent mostly locked inside my room. 

We trotted onto the citadel and the first thing I noticed were the large crowds. I'd been in the presence of tournaments before, but this one seemed even bigger than those. A knight in purple rode by me while carrying a lance, sending me a puzzled look. A jousting tournament, I noted, ignoring his stare. I'd long gotten used to people here thinking I dressed weirdly. 

Dodging people left and right, I kept an eye out for anyone familiar while I rode Dallas towards the entrance to the side of the castle, which had a direct path to Gaius's apartment. There I quickly hopped off my horse and removed the harness, then dragged the wagon inside – barely making it past the door. I tucked it in a corner where I knew it'd be safe until I could get everything upstairs. Then I ran to the armoury, which was close enough, and stole a bow and a quiver before rushing back outside, knowing that I needed to warn someone about the assassin. 

I loaded the bow, ready to shoot it in case I spotted the men from the campsite, and searched frantically for what felt like an eternity. I noticed the arena in the distance just in time to watch Arthur ride towards an opponent. I knew it was him because of the horse he was riding – good ol' Bronzey. And my breath got caught in my throat as the pair collided. 

Dallas manoeuvred his body through the crowd as we picked up the pace. Even more so as I spotted blood on the Prince's armour as Merlin and Gwen helped him get off his horse. I wanted nothing more than to gallop the rest of the way to them, but given that Arthur was bleeding, it was likely that his opponent had been the assassin, so instead I, refocused my eyes on the man standing on the other side of the arena and rode towards him. 

Sure enough, it was one of the men from the night before. 

I let go of the neck-rope so that I could focus all my efforts on the bow.

"Do not miss this time," a the second man said as he handed the rider a sharp lance – as opposed to the harmless ones held by the rest of the competitors. "Well, I won't!" I called to them and shot the rider in the arm, which caused him to drop the weapon as he screamed in pain.

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