A Day with The Uzumakis

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"Are you almost ready Y/n?" Izumi called out.


Y/n is going to stay at the Uzumaki residence for the night and spend time with her friend Himawari.

Y/n semi-ran down the step since Izumi had to hold her hand the way down. Walking out the door, they were met with two familiar people; Hinata and Himawari.

"Hima-Chan! Hi!"

"Hi Y/n! Ready to go?"


"Have fun Y/n! Mikoto-San will come pick you up tomorrow." Izumi says, giving Y/n's bag to Hinata.

Y/n's POV

I waved Izumi goodbye as I got in the car. I huffed in annoyance as I was out in a car seat and heard himawari laugh.

"It's not funny!" I said.

She snickered. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. But don't worry. I've been using a car seat until after I turned 6."

"But that's so long!"

"Only 2 more years, Y/n-chan 🌚"


"Y/n!" Boruto waved.

We had just arrived at himawari's house. I waved at him.

" Hi,Boruto!"

"You girls have fun. I'll let you know when dinner's ready." Hinata says and walks in the kitchen. Not long, Boruto leaves to go hang out with his friends so that just leaves me and Himawari for now.

<End of POV>

The two played for a while until they eventually gotten bored. Since Hinata was too busy making dinner, Kushina came over and took the young girls to the park...a public park.

Y/n hated it. She didn't want to share with these "poor people" as she calls them. She even pushed some kid in a dirty mud puddle for trying to take her spot in the swing sets. The kid ended up telling their mom who told Kushina who then scolding the uchiha girl.

After, Y/n just sat on the top of the slide when a girl called out to her. "Hey!" She yelled, pointing towards the raven.

"You pushed my friend in a mud puddle!"


"That wasn't very nice! Apologies!"

Y/n rolled her eyes and slid down then turning to other direction, completely ignoring her.

Y/n walked to Kushina and pulled on her dress. "I want to go home. It's boring here."



Kushina sighed but nodded. She called Himawari and soon the three left.

They were now in a forest surrounded by trees. There weren't too many trees to the point where you would get lost. Kushina was just taking the short cut. Until, she got an idea.

Y/n looked at Kushina, who was walking towards a tree. She tilted her head in confusion.

What's she doing?

She gasp when Kushina started to walk up the tree like it's no problem.

Himawari laughed. "Grandma! Wait for me!" She then followed Kushina up the tree but slowly taking her time as she just recently learned this technique in the academy.

"Woah.." Y/n looked.

How'd they do that?! She thought to herself.

"Hey! How did you guys do that!?" Y/n tried walking up the tree but lost her balance and stumbled back to the ground but didn't fall.

She pouted.

"Maybe when you're older..I could teach you how to use your chakra." Kushina spoke.

Y/n smiled "okay!"

(later that day....)

"Boruto..."  Himawari warned. She's currently cornering her older brother, who's basically fearing for his life. Her byakugan activated as she stared into Boruto's soul.

Y/n stood beside her, already in her pajamas, wondering how Himawari's eyes changed and became veiny.

"You promised to also help watch Y/n..." she spoke with no emotion in her voice.

"Uh y-yeah! Sure!" Boruto stuttered.

Suddenly, the door knocked.

"I-I'll get it!!" Boruto speed walked towards the front door, still feeling uncomfortable with Himawari staring at the back of his head.

Opening the door, he was met with two older males. Both with blonde hair and Blue eyes with one of the men having whisker-like markings on his face like Boruto.

"Grandad? dad?" Boruto mumbled.

"Hey Boruto. Didn't think we'd show up, didn't you?" Whiskered man chucked.

"Dad! Grandpa!" Himawari ran to them happily. Her eyes going back to normal as she goes back to her cheerful self.

Y/n's Pov

Who are they? I stopped away from them as I watched Himawari and Boruto have a conversation with them.

"Oh and this is Y/n! She's having a sleepover. Ms. Mikoto said it was alright!" Himawari said.

"Oh so this is Y/n. Sasuke did tell me a bout her. Nice to meet you! My name is Naruto Uzumaki." The man with whiskers said to me.

"Don't worry, Y/n-chan! That's our dad and grandpa." Himawari assured. I nodded my head and walked closer slowly.

"Nice to meet you also. I'm Minato." The other man said, patted my head.

"Oh. Well my name is Y/n Uchiha. Nice to meet you!" I greeted.

<end of pov>

Later, the day turned to night as Y/n played around with the Uzumaki family. She later met another boy who was around Boruto's age but older. His name was Kawaki and he's originally from the Ōtsutsuki clan but he's staying with Naruto and others.

You can say that Y/n had fun playing there. The next day, Mikoto came and picked her up.

Y/n waved goodbye and returned home.

This chapter was so boring wow.

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