The Tsukuyomi Moon II

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Y/n eyes were red and held no emotion. It was like she wasn't even awake yet her eyes were still open.

Obito quickly picked up Rin and took her away from the young girl.

Y/n fully faced them.

"Beautiful night isn't it, Uchiha Madara?"  'Y/n' said calmly.

"That voice.." Madara mumbled.

"Kaguya.." he growled with disgust.

"Release Y/n from your control!"

"But she's easier to control. Therefore, I will do no such thing." The feminine voice paused. "Plus..she caught our interest."

'Y/n' then turned towards the window.

"Which is why I'm taking her." And with that, 'Y/n' levitated in the air. I mysterious black portal appeared to which the girl flew inside and soon, the portal disappeared from existence.


Tsunade walked inside an oh so familiar house. It wasn't hers. It's was someone who she cared about dearly other than Dan.

Her name was M/n. Her daughter. Her everything.

If only she hadn't said what she did all those years ago.


M/n was with her parents, Dan and Tsunade ready to announce to them that she was having a baby. Her husband, F/n, was really busy with work so M/n went with his sister instead.

"Mom, Dad. I have an announcement." M/n stood up. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm pregnant!" She clasps her hands together.

"Oh! Well congratulations!" Dan said happily.

Tsunade just rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Whatever." She said and sipped another another bottle of Sake.

M/n looked at her confused. "You're not happy?"

"You're just adding another brat to the family."

"Tsunade." Dan warned.

"No dad, it's alright." M/n said then faced back to what she despise and she calls her mother. "Why can't you just be happy for me? I've worked very hard to get where I am now due to our financial problems. And now that I have enough and is starting a family, this is all I get? Not a simple 'congratulations' or 'I'm proud of you? Unbelievable!"

At this point, M/n was furious with Tsunade and she's had enough.

"The reason why we were struggling with money in the first place was because YOU wouldn't stop gambling and drinking. YOU were the reason why uncle Nawaki died in that car crash all those years ago! I thought it was just an accident...but now I realize how much of a problem you really are! All of our struggles is YOUR Fault—" she was interrupted by a harsh slap to the face.


"Don't you EVER mention Nawaki ever again!" Tsunade yelled back. She glared at M/n despite being in a drunken state.

M/n was about to hit back but was stopped by her husband's sister.

"Let's just go. Being stressful isn't healthy for you or the baby." She spoke softly. M/n calmed down, packed her things and headed straight for the door.

"You can come visit anytime, dad. But I don't want to see the likes of you-" she glared at Tsunade. "-near me or my family EVER AGAIN!" she then slammed the door shut.

Dan shook his head in disappointment at Tsunade before walking into the room.

Tsunade looked at the ground and threw the sake bottle on the ground. She sighed and stared at the door. She looked down in guilt after realizing what she  did and said to her daughter. She didn't mean to be harsh as she was still grieving the loss of her little brother.

She wanted to go and apologize but M/n was furiously mad at her so she wanted to give her space. Dan was also mad her her too- which was rare. Now she knows how much she's messed up.

She plopped herself onto the couch lost in thought.

"I'm sorry..."

{Flashback over.}

"Tch! Damn it!" Tsunade yelled and punched the wall in anger, creating a big hole in it.

"It's been 4 years! Where are you?!" She yelled out in the house which were followed by echoes and received no answered.

She slowly slid down against the wall and put her legs in front of her chest, wrapped her arm around them.

"I wanted to apologize....." she mumbled as tears built up in her eyes. Suddenly, a shiver ran down her spine.

"Cold.." Tsunade got up and searched the empty house. She then noticed a small book was on the ground. She scanned through the book.

2 minutes later, she gasped.

"That baby....was Y/n? So that means that's she's my..granddaughter..!"

Her pocket vibrated. It was her phone.

Tsunade checked and saw that Naruto was calling her. She answered.

"Tsunade! The Ōtsutsukis are attacking! They took Boruto and I received a call from Sasuke saying that Kaguya took Y/n!" Naruto said in a hurry.

"How is that possible?"

"The Tsukuyomi's happening"

Tsunade grunted. "I'm on my way." Then hung up and rushed out the door with the book with a note falling out saying:

"Our Babygirl Y/n Uchiha!"
With a picture of a newborn baby.

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