Ch. 6 He Asked Me

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I walk toward the kettle and make some warm milk.

"Would you like a drink Peeta?" I ask

"I already got a drink." Peeta replies

I pour the warm milk into a cup and drink. After, I walk to the living room and turn on the TV. Peeta begins to follow and sits right beside me as I flip through channels.

"Katniss?" Peeta asks

"Mhm?" I hum and then begin to yawn

"Would you like to go to prom with me?" He asks nervously while fiddling with his fingers

A smile creeps on my face, he actually asked me,

"Ya, I would love to come to prom with you." I respond

He flashes a grin. I can't believe I'm going to prom with Peeta Mellark.
Don't get your hopes up, I bet he's doing this to be kind. I think to myself, I begin to frown.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks concerned

I sigh then speak up,

"Why would you pick me out of the other girls, I mean look at me. I am broken, and I am not beautiful." I explain

Peeta gets closer to me and holds my hand,

"Katniss, never say your not beautiful because to me you are the most beautifulest girl I've seen, and you are not broken you just need someone to help you get back up. I want to go to prom with you because, because I - I love you." Peeta explains

I stand there speechless.

"Katniss, please say something." He pleads

"I love you too," I blurt

Peeta is getting closer to me until we are centimeters away from each other. I observe his eyes. There so blue, but not any blue, the type of blue that's so perfect like the color of the ocean but it's so beautiful you can't swim in them. I am snapped out of my trance to see Peeta's lips planted on mine. He pulls away and my mouth is left feeling very tingly. I begin to let out a big yawn,

"Well someone's sleepy," He chuckles

"Yeah, we better go to sleep." I tell him

Peeta stands up and I stay,

"Wanna get up?" He offers his hand

"I'll stay here, I'm to lazy and tired to get up." I wave his hand away,

"Okay then," He says

I drift off to a nightmare - free sleep.

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