✩𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘈𝘶✩
She turned around to leave when she realized the bookcase was tilting in the direction of Jungwon more than it should, and the books were now falling off the shelf. Jungwon flinched at the sight of the books falling d...
ps: not me having a bio quiz rn but im here writing. normalize picking everything over school.
just kidding (not really) don't skip classes and finish your homework kids.
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Narrator's Pov
Damin stayed up late the next several nights, trying to catch up with her classmates and copying notes into her exercise books. For the next five days, she slept no more than 4 hours per night.
She kept convincing herself that this would be worth it in the end when she gets her yearly report card back. She grabbed her water bottle and took a sip of it before continuing.
"Still not done with the notes?" Misun asked, taking a bite of her lunch.
"Almost done with this one. The last one is Physics," answered Damin, sighing softly and caressing her now sore hand.
"Wow, talk about dedication," Misun nodded, chuckling at the end.
"What about you?" she asked, signaling to the worksheet that Misun had beside her. She recognized the worksheet that Ms. Kim had assigned to them in class today.
"I brought it here to finish it but I can't understand shat," answered Misun, sending Damin into small fits of laughter.
She didn't get a close look at it during class since she was rushing to the lunch, but now that she saw it, it appeared to be simple. Maybe it's because this was one of the topics she was revising on last night, but you get the idea. She hoped she remembered it since she was practically half asleep when studying that particular topic.
"It's actually really simple. You just have to write the atomic number then draw the electron configuration," Damin explained meanwhile everyone at the table looked at her as if she was speaking a foreign language.
She got a pencil and grabbed her notebook, "Here, like this," she began drawing out an example and continued to explain it to them. And after a solid 5 minutes of explaining, she was done.
"So that's how you do it," she put her pencil down and let out a soft sigh earning a bunch of 'ohhh' and 'it makes sense'. She felt a tad bit proud since she actually remembered the topic despite being half asleep .
"Understand?" she asked but there was silence only. As they looked about, they all avoided making eye contact with Damin. The bell rang, signifying the continuation of lessons.
"I'll explain everything to you all after school in the library, okay?" Damin stated, and they all nodded before gathering their belongings and heading to their classrooms. She didn't mind teaching them because it would be a wonderful practice for her and she enjoyed assisting her friends.
Damin reached for her iced coffee before taking a small sip of it. How did she end up in this situation? She just remembered meeting up with her friends in the library after school, but before she could explain, they announced they had to leave and asked if she could help them do their schoolwork.
And since she wanted to be accepted by them, she agreed. She reached for her phone to see the time, 08:23 PM. Thank god she was finally done. She packed up her belongings, caressing her forehead in hopes of decreasing her headache but to no avail.
The school was empty, with no student in sight except for Yang Jungwon who was in the library but left a few minutes prior. A mixture of fear and a frown made way to her lips when she realized that all the lights were turned off.
Back in her old school, she was known for being a soft-hearted person and hated anything scary of that sort, never hesitating to turn down her friends' requests for going to a haunted house or watching a horror movie.
She looked around and gulped, quickly taking out her phone for the flashlight. Taking oh so slow steps backwards while her eyes never left her back.
She mumbled to herself while silently screaming at the situation she was in right now, "I swear if a motherfucking ghost pops out from nowhere I'm gonna —"
She bumped into a figure.
Another scream followed when she saw a tall figure in front of her.
"Stop screaming!" he yelled.
"You stop screaming!"
"You screamed first!"
She showed the light and was glad that it wasn't a ghost of some sort. He squinted his eyes at the bright light.
Damin gave a punch to his shoulder, "You scared me!"
"If it makes you feel better, you just busted my eardrums," said Jungwon, groaning at the pain that was beginning to arise from his left shoulder. "Ouch."
He gently massaged his shoulders and began walking forward earning Damin's attention.
"W-wait where are you going?" She spoke quickly, following him behind. She did not want to be left here alone.
"Uh, to my house?"
"Oh, nice heheh." She smiled awkwardly while nodding.
She contemplated whether to ask him this particular question or not. Damin cleared her throat as her ears turned a deep shade of red, "C-canyouwalkmebacktomydorm?"
"Nevermind." Pursuing her lips into a fine line, she turned around, getting ready to speed-walk back to her dorm.
But Jungwon said something which made her stop in her tracks. "I'll walk you back to your dorm if you're scared."
"I am not scared. I'm just not so fond of the dark and ghosts." She turned around, earning a slight chuckle from Jungwon.
"Yeah, okay, whatever you say." He jokingly rolled his eyes. The silence was deafening as they both walked down the stairs and headed to the way to the dorm, Damin still occasionally looking behind.
"Are you done with my exercise books?" He broke the silence.
"Yeah, just 3 more pages. I'll return it tomorrow." A nod from Jungwon. The whole walk from there was only in silence.
"Thanks for walking me here," Damin said, earning his attention.
"No problem."
The awkwardness was very known to both of them as they avoided eye contact.
"Yeah uh see ya tomorrow, bye," she said, giving him a small wave before closing the door.
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i am finally back. this chapter isn't really that good bcuz my brain wont cooperate 🤩