✩𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘈𝘶✩
She turned around to leave when she realized the bookcase was tilting in the direction of Jungwon more than it should, and the books were now falling off the shelf. Jungwon flinched at the sight of the books falling d...
i recommend listening to the song^ while reading this chapter !!
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Damin's Pov
That's what I was feeling right now. All I did was return Yang Jungwon's book back to him and Miyoung had the audacity to accuse me of 'trying to steal' Jungwon away from her.
"Just admit you like him!" Miyoung yelled, earning almost everyone in the cafeteria's attention. I poked my tongue in my left cheek as I tried my best to not lose my temper. I tried resolving this issue calmly and maturely but then Miyoung had to go and make a scene.
I looked at Misun for her to at least back me up or reason with them but she just mouthed a 'sorry'.
Yeah, this will be the last time I'm coming near any of them.
This is all just stupid. The way they were acting and accusing me. It was all so immature! And the way I had to suppress my laughter when they started accusing me. Next thing you know, someone's gonna show a picture as proof or something .
"Listen, all I did was give him back his books and we had a small talk, that's it," I explained, earning a scoff from Jinae.
Jinae took out her phone, "Then explain this."
It was a picture of me and Jungwon talking right in front of my dorm. It was a picture taken from last night when Jungwon accompanied me back to my dorm. Jinae swiped to another picture and it was us waving at each other.
My jaw dropped wide open. I was beyond stunned. These people really can't be serious right? I let out a small chuckle as Miyoung glared at me.
"What the- were you stalking me?!" I tried grabbing the phone to get a better look but Jinae was quicker and put it further away from my reach.
"That's not the point here," Jinae spoke up, "Explain this."
These people are seriously delulu...
"Why do I have to explain myself?! It's seriously none of your business!" I couldn't help but yell. It was just a picture taken out of context.
I saw how Miyoung's eyes watered as she slightly pouted. Don't tell me she's gonna cr-
"How dare you, I really thought you were my friend." And she started crying. I realized how quiet the cafeteria became and that could only mean all eyes were on us right now. Perfect.
I mentally cringed as I sighed harshly. My irritation was only growing especially since I was already hungry as I skipped breakfast today. "I can assure you, I don't care about that guy."
All I wanted to do was eat.
I started taking my lunch to leave since I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier by the second. Accusing me of stealing Miyoung's crush? What are we, in middle school? I let out a small laugh to keep myself from going insane while my hands were clenched tightly.