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Narrator's Pov

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Narrator's Pov

It has been a week since the whole bookshelf ordeal thing and honestly, she still couldn't explain what it was or why that happened but she concluded it as a miracle. Damin sipped her chocolate milk and she turned the page after.

She was currently under the tree in the small field at the school. She had started sitting there every lunchtime since last week. She didn't mind though, she found the chilly air as well as the slightly heated sun to be soothing.

Jungwon was in deep thought as he kept thinking about what happened last week. He had come to three conclusions; it was either a miracle, the library is haunted, or Damin had some kind of special powers or something.

However, Jungwon was sure it wouldn't be the last option as it was too impossible but anything can happen, right?

He took a deep breath when a cool breeze hit him. He scanned the area and his eyes were drawn to a familiar figure sitting by a tree, reading her book.

Damin was busy in her own world when a loud snap caught her attention. She looked up and she was glad she did because a large tree branch was plummeting down, and she was right under it.

Jungwon was about to run to her but the branch stopped falling right above her head. His jaw dropped as he watched the tree branch practically floating.

' No, it can't be ' he thought.

The tree branch then floated a few inches forward and dropped right in front of Damin. Her palms were starting to sweat and her heart was racing. She was completely oblivious to what was going on.

Was she the one who stopped it? Did she have some kind of guardian angel protecting her? All she knew was that the whole situation completely freaked her out.

That's when a thought hit Jungwon. And he had the perfect idea to prove this theory. He picked up the nearest stick he could find and threw it as hard as he could at Damin.

She looked at the stick that was about to hit her, and the stick miraculously went flying backwards, smacking Jungwon in the face which caused him to fall down with a groan.

A gasp escaped Damin's lips as she got up and ran to see whether he was okay.

"Are you okay?" she asked, giving him a hand which he accepted.

"I think so," he answered while getting up, another groan leaving his lips after, rubbing his nose that was aching.

Her eyes widened, "Your nose, it's bleeding!"

But he couldn't care less. The only thing that was going on in his mind was that Damin had some kind of powers.

"Let's go to the school nurse," she added and he nodded.


"You're very lucky you didn't break your nose," said the nurse. "How did this even happen anyway?" The nurse asked as she cleaned the blood of Jungwon's nose. He couldn't help but flinch since it hurt .

"I fell," answered Jungwon. The nurse gave him an ice pack to Jungwon while Damin contemplated whether to ask the nurse a question.

This could go two different ways. Either the nurse would laugh at her just like what happened with the librarian or she could actually believe them. Damin didn't have high hopes that it could be the latter though.

"Is it possible that someone could, I don't know, have like superpowers or something," questioned Damin, avoiding the nurse's eye contact. Her eyes trailed to a contact lens case on the table.

"Superpowers?" the nurse stopped in her tracks and eyed her. "Like what kind?" A sickening smile found its way to her lips.

Damin swore the nurse's gaze changed. And it scared her. The way the nurse was looking at her. It was like when a predator finally caught their prey. She felt a shiver go down her spine as her words got stuck in her throat.

"Any kind." Jungwon interrupted. "We've been really interested in superpowers lately," he explained further.

"Yeah but it only happens to peculiars," mentioned the nurse. Damin and Jungwon looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Peculiars?" asked Damin, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Ahh never mind. Didn't lunchtime end a few minutes ago? You kids should head back to class," the nurse quickly changed the topic.

Damin couldn't shake off the uncomfortable feeling even when they left the nurse's office. Something about the nurse didn't sit right with her. It could just be Damin overthinking but she was sure that was not it . She really hoped she was wrong about it.

"What do you think the meant nurse by 'peculiar'?" Jungwon asked her, both of them fast-walking back to their class as they were 10 minutes late.

"I don't know. All I know is that she gives me creepy vibes," she answered, shuddering in the end.

"Yeah, me too." he agreed. "So when did these powers of yours first start?"

"I really have no idea. But I think about a week ago," she answered after thinking hard.

"That was also when the bookshelf fell on me..." Jungwon wondered while Damin had no idea where this was going.

"Why couldn't you stop it from falling from me, my head still has a bump," he slightly pouted, pushing his hair to the back revealing a small bump.

"I don't know how it works," she frowned. If she did, she would've stopped it from falling. They reached their class and Damin's hand went to turn the doorknob but a hand stopped her.

"You should keep it a secret. If someone finds out, you could be in danger." he looked her dead in the eye and she gulped, nodding at his words.

He's right. And then I would be used as a lab rat my whole life.

She shivered at that thought alone and entered the class.

She shivered at that thought alone and entered the class

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oooh whats up with the nurse 🤔 ??

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