Sibling Bonds

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Joe waved to Nick and Matt as they left for Eric's house. Normally Joe would have joined them, but he had promised his sister that they would have a movie night.

Joe was excited that Isabelle was finally home, after he had not seen her for over three years he realized that he really did miss her. Now he just had to wait for her to show up from her shopping trip.

The idea of Isabelle on that shopping trip alone made him nervous, not only because his sister had never been to Chicago before but because he knew Lauren would be there.

He also knew that Jaime, Meredith, Denise and Julia all knew about his crush. Everyone but Lauren. He had liked her ever since Starship when they had had to spend a lot of time together running lines.

Joe has waited a long time to tell Lauren about his feelings, maybe too long. But he thinks that maybe now was finally the time to listen to his friends nagging and come clean.


Isabelle waved to Lauren, Julia and A.J. as she walked towards the front door of the apartment building. Isabelle felt excitement bubble in her as she opened the door to her brother's apartment. She was excited to spend the night just watching movies and learning all about what's happened in his life since she's been gone.

Isabelle walks into a seemingly enpty apartment. She walks into the living room to see her brother sitting on the couch and staring into space. Isabelle tip toes behind the couch, so not to be noticed by Joe, and just when she gets behind him she quickly grabs his shoulders and screams in his ears.

"Jesus, Isabelle! When did you get here I didn't even hear you come in?"

"Yeah I realized that" Isabelle said as she rounded the couch to sit next to him. "What were you thinking about?" To Isabelle's surprise her brother blushed.

"Oh, uh, nothing really just thinking about the new musical and how its all going to work with you staying here."

"Oh well, I'm probably going to look for a job around here hopefully and if that works out then get my own place" Isabelle says as she twists her hands in her lap. Feeling uneasy about the topic of conversation, Isabelle quickly changes the subject.

"So how has it been since I last saw you? You look like you've been really busy."

"Well you know, graduated college, moved to L.A. with some of the guys of our group but things weren't really working out there the way that I had hoped they would. So when I heard that most of the team was licing in Chicago, I talked to Matt and Nick and they offered to let me stay at their apartment as long as I paid rent. And now I'm doing what I love. Performing and being with my friends." Isabelle watched as her brother smiled. "What about you sis, what have you been up to?"

"Well when I graduated high school after you went off to college for your second year, I got an offer for a fantastic job in South Africa doing research on marine biology and it paid really well and I could get my degree while I did it so I went for it and I was so busy I didn't have time to come home as often as I wanted to. So when the job ended and I had my degree and enough money, I decided to go home and visit you first because I haven't seen you in so long." Isabelle looked up at her brother. "I uh, missed you a lot Joe."

Joe brought his younger sister into a hug. "I missed you too Iz. Now lets watch that movie."


It was around midnight when Matt and Nick finally got to go home after setting up the theatre for their first rehearsal. Matt unlocked the door to the apartment to the sound of Tangled playing on the T.V. and to the sight of his best friend and his sister asleep on the couch. Matt turned around and signaled for Nick to be quiet. However Nick had other ideas.

Nick carefully took out his phone and after checking to make sure that the flash wasn't on, he took a picture to post on twitter.

@NickLangTweets: @FunkWalk @Isabelle_Walker Get home to find these two asleep while watching Tangled

After Nick published the tweet, he quietly walked over to the couch and he gently prodded Joe awake.

Joe looked up in confusion only to see Nick hovering above him and Isabelle sleeping on his shoulder.

"Hey, when did you get home?"

"Just now, its just past midnight you guys should go to bed we have first rehearsal tomorrow." Joe nodded while bidding Nick goodnight before standing from the couch and scooping Isabelle up. She stirred a little in her sleep but otherwise didn't wake.

After she was safely in her bed Joe clicked on his phone to see Nick's tweet. He chuckled at some of the replies from his friends and was about to put away his phone when he realized he had a missed text from Lauren and a missed call from his mom. Deciding to call his mom first thing in the morning he checked the text from Lauren his stomach turning nervously as he read the words.

Lo: Hey do you want to go out for lunch tomorrow before practice there's something I want to talk to you about

Joe quickly replied to meet down at the diner near her house before putting his phone on charge and going to bed.


Hey guys sorry its been like half a year since I have last updated and I hope that some of you will still read this update but I had a lot of trouble plotting out this chapter because I didn't really know where I was going to take it but now I have a whole outline for most of the story and the next couple chapters are already written so expect those very very soon. Again I am so so sorry.
Also the story is not going to be centered around Lauren and Joe but more around Isabelle and how she interacts with the other Starkids (especially A.J) but you can definetly expect some rocky roads ahead for her and other characters
Sorry I am rambling now


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