Breakfast Conversations

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I am going to try and update at the very least once a week and you can expect another chapter either tomorrow or Monday! Enjoy!!

Isabelle woke to the sun shining in her face. She looked at the clock on her bedside table: 8:42 am. She got out of bed and went down the stairs to get some breakfast. After tying her hair into a messy ponytail, Isabelle settled on Cheerios. She sat down to eat but was interrupted by someone sitting at the table across from her. Isabelle looked up expecting it to be her brother, but instead it was Matt.

“Hey Isabelle, did you sleep well?” Matt asked while pouring himself some Cheerios into his High School Musical themed bowl.

“Yes” Isabelle answered smiling. “Thank you so much for letting me stay here, it means a lot.”

“Eh, It's no problem really, Joe was very persistent that you stay with us.” Matt smiled a little remembering how Joe had spent hours begging him and Nick to let Isabelle stay with them. Isabelle laughed.

“Yeah Joe is an interesting one. But it's good to see him again, I've missed him after four years even though he can be annoying at times.”

“I know how that is, sometimes I can't stand my brother.”
“I heard that!” Nick yells as he runs down the stairs and takes the seat next to Matt and taking an apple.

“I will have you know that Joe was probably ten times as annoying as I ever was.” Nick says looking toward Isabelle for confirmation.

“That is definitely true! Boy could I tell you stories.” Isabelle says as Matt and Nick exchange a look.

“Tell us all the stories!”

Joe woke up to the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen. Guessing that everyone else was up, Joe shrugged on a shirt over his pyjama bottoms and slugged down the stairs to see what everyone was laughing at.

“-and then he fell off of his bike and ran into like three other people causing a massive pile up on the road!” Joe heard Isabelle say, which brought on another round of laughter from his housemates. Cautiously Joe walked into the kitchen and took the last seat in between Matt and Isabelle. He started to pour himself some Cheerios when he noticed everyone staring at him. Joe raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Oh nothing Jo-Jo just telling my new best friends some childhood stories.”Joe glared at his younger sister.

“You didn't.”

“Oh she did and might I say, you were a very clumsy child Joseph, I guess nothing has really changed.”Joe slapped Matt in the back of the head. “don't worry Joe, we won't tell Lauren, wouldn't want to risk you embarrassing yourself in front of your crush.” Joe glared at Matt. Isabelle's head snapped up.

“Ohhh, that's the girl Mom was telling me about!” Isabelle shouted whilst slamming her palm on the table causing the boys to jump.

“What?” Asked Joe. “Well, whenever Mom and I would talk about you, she would always mention this girl you would always talk about on the phone, and how when she went to see your shows, that she was the first one she met and how you would always look at her and-”

“I get it Isabelle”Joe interrupted, glaring at his sister.

“But we don't.”Said Matt.

“Yeah you should keep going.” Nick added.

“But seriously guys,”Joe started. “I might have a small crush on Lauren but there is no way in hell that she would ever feel the same way so can we just please stop talking about it!” Joe slammed back his chair and stormed out of the room. Isabelle cleared her throat.

“Well, uh, I'll go and check on him and then I have to go shopping with the girls so, uh, bye.” Isabelle quickly followed her brother out of the room leaving Nick and Matt in a stunned silence.


Isabelle lightly knocked on the door to her brother's room and opened it after hearing the murmured come in. Joe sat on his bed lightly throwing a baseball into the air. He didn't even glance at Isabelle when she sat down next to him. They sat in silence for a few minutes until Isabelle finally broke it.

“I'm really sorry Joe, I didn't mean to make you upset.”

“It's okay Izzy I mean you were going to find out at some point.” Joe shrugged.

“SO you're not mad at me?”

“No, I could never be mad at my baby sister.” Joe smiled at Isabelle and she smiled back.

“So I am going to go shopping and then we are having a sibling night right?” Isabelle asked hopeful that Joe still even wanted to hang out with her after that mornings events.

“Of course, Nick and Matt will be gone most of the night with the guys, setting up the theatre so it will just be us two.” Isabelle got up and hugged her brother before leaving to meet the StarKid girls.

If you guys like where the story is going or want me to add anything like Isabelle having a love interest or a specific pairing or just anything really, let me know in the comments!! :)


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