Meeting the Rest of the Team

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Hey guys here's the next chapter! Let me know in the comments if you want any specific pairing in the story! Enjoy!

Nobody even had a chance to move before there was yelling coming from the door.

"JOE! NICK! MATT! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Joe could tell that the voice belonged to none other than Lauren Lopez. 

"How can someone so short be so loud?" Matt muttered as he opened the door.

"Heard that" Lauren greeted walking past Matt with Julia trailing behind her. 

Isabelle was watching the friends greet each other silently. It was nice to know that while she was gone Joe had made a lot of friends.  Isabelle had been told very little about Joe's friends from letters home. All she had been told was that he had moved to Chicago and was in a musical theatre company. Isabelle was knocked out of her thoughts as people kept flooding into the house greeting each other with hugs and pecks on the cheek. Finally all the noise quieted down and somebody started speaking. 

"Okay guys I know we are all here to discuss the new musical. But before we start are there any other matters we need to discuss?" Nick called out to the now quieted group of people gathered in the small living room. Lauren immediatly stood up so she could be properly heard.

"I do. Um, not to be rude her anything but who's that?" Isabelle blushed as she realized Lauren was talking about her. Everyone turned to see the shorter girl. Joe looked as if he had just realized his sister was even in the room. Isabelle waved sheepishly.

"Um, hi?" Joe laughed and walked over to his sister.

"Uh everyone this is my little sister Isabelle, Isabelle this is everyone." Everyone immediately rushed over to greet her pushing Joe out of the way.

"Hi I'm Meredith Stepien and this is my boyfriend Brian." A pretty girl with short curly brown hair said while a boy with dark hair just waved.

"Hey I'm Lauren. Do you have any embarrasing stories about Walker that you could tell me?" Joe immediately intervened but Lauren promised that they could talk about it later.

"Hi I'm Denise Donovan and this is Jeff Blim." Said a nice blonde girl from next to a shaggy haired man.

"Okay, okay you guys can all be introduced later." Started Matt. "Right now we need to discuss the team's next plan. We have an idea for a musical and its called drum roll please" Dylan and Joe start stomping on the floor."Twisted. It's like the movie Aladdin but from Ja'far's point of view. We are going to bring in some more people as actors and we are pleased to announce that we will have a new director for the show. Brian Holden." Brian stood and started bowing as everyone applauded him. "Okay rehersals will start next week so be ready. Julia will pass out the schedules and we hope to see you all there." With that everyone seperated off into their own groups. Isabelle found herself in a conversation with Lauren and Joe.

"SO Isabelle, any embarrassing stories about Walker?" At this question everyone in the room quieted and and looked to Isabelle.

"Um, when we were little I think Joe was about 9 and I was 5, I would make him be my doll and I would dress him up with make up and dresses and everything. I would have a fashion show and I would call him Josephina." Everyone in the room was crying with laughter while Joe just glared at his sister.

"I think thats enough Izzy." Isabelle just laughed at her brother.

"Of course Joe-Joe I would never tell them about the time that you wet yourself during the school play. Oops.'' Lauren was leaning heavily on Julia now trying to catch her breath. 

The night continued with more stories told to Isabelle about Joe in the years she had been gone in South Africa. After everyone left and Isabelle and the boys decided to go to bed. Isabelle was going to go shopping the next morning with Lauren, Julia, Denise, Meredith and Jaime while Joe hung out with the guys. Joe stopped at his sisters room on his was to bed.

"So what did you think?" He asked. 

"They were awesome. You have some really great friends Joe-Joe." Isabelle hesitated."But, maybe tomorrow after shopping we can have some sibling time, you know, like the old days?" Joe could tell by his sister's voice that she just wanted to be with him alone for a while. Joe walked into the room and sat down next to her on the bed.

"Of course Iz, as soon as you're done shopping, the rest of the day will be just us I promise." And with that Joe kissed her on the top of the head and left the room.

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