StarKid's Little Sister

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Disclaimer:: I do not own any of the people, places or things in this story except for the plot and Isabelle.

Isabelle Walker ran up to the door of her brothers house and knocked. Isabelle was excited to see her older brother again after four years of research in South Africa, it would be good to stay with him for a few months. Isabelle knocked again and straightened when she saw the door open. She looked up and saw the blue eyes that weren't unlike hers and jumped into her brothers arms, dropping her bag on the floor.   

"Izzy?" Joe pulled back to look into his sisters face. Even though she was already twenty one years old, Joe only saw the little girl she used to be when they were kids and would fight in the backyard of their house in Boston. He couldn't believe that she was here in Chicago.

"Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you I was coming. I only ended my research a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you" Isabelle was rambling and Joe stopped her from continuing with another bone crushing hug. 

"I've missed you Iz." Joe finally let her go and now they were just staring at each other. Joe was reveling in the fact that he could see his little sister again after four years of her being gone, it was amazing to have her back.

"Me too Joe. Can I- uh come in?"

"What? Oh yeah sure. Let me grab your bag and I'll show you around." Isabelle stepped into the house while Joe grabbed her bag. Isabelle looked around at the small living room she stepped into.

"Sorry it's a bit messy. I would have made the guys clean up a bit if I knew you were coming." Joe sheepishly scratched the back of his neck as he watch his sister.

"No Joe it's fine. Do you mind if I stay for a little while? I mean I could find a place of my own but-"

"No!"Joe interrupted her. "You are staying with me. I just got you back Iz, you think I'm gonna let you go that easy." 

Isabelle smiled at her brother and picked up the purse she had dropped upon entering.

"So I guess I'll show you to your room and you can settle in, and then we can have some dinner yeah?" Joe led Isabelle upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. "Well here it is, in all its glory."

Isabelle looked around the room that only contained a dresser, bed and a closet. Isabelle dropped her suitcase and purse on the bed and sat down. 

"It's perfect Joe thanks." Isabelle grinned at her brother and he smiled back.

"Okay well I am going to go downstairs and you can join me when you are ready."


Joe left his sister still smiling. He couldn't believe she was back home. Joe couldn't wait to introduce her to all of his friends. Oh no, he thought, I was supposed to have everyone over tonight for the team meeting.  He shrugged, they were going to meet his sister at some point, it might as well be now. As if on cue the door swung open to reveal Matt and Nick home from inspecting the theatre they were going to use for their next production.

"Hey Joe." Nick said as he walked into the house, Matt trailing behind him. All three men sat down at the kitchen table to discuss the brothers findings.

"Hey guys hows the theatre?" Joe asked curiosity taking over.

"It's perfect, but we will tell you the rest later. For now we have to clean up, everyone is going to be here in like half an hour. " Matt said standing up to grab the phone to order the pizzas for the meeting. 

"Yeah yeah. You know I live with you guys I should at least get to know what the musical is." Nick and Matt had been very secretive about what the next musical was going to be. They were going to reveal it tonight at the meeting in front of everyone.

"Well Joe why don't you start with-" Nick was interrupted by scream from upstairs. Matt jumped and dropped the phone, while Joe was already running up the stairs to see what was wrong. 

"Izzy! What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Joe was just filing off questions before he looked at his sister and started laughing. There she was standing on the bed staring at a tiny spider on the wall. 

"Joe! Stop laughing and kill it!" Isabelle was both terrified and angry at her brother for laughing at her. 

Joe walked up to the spider and grabbed it in his hands. He then ran up to his sister and started chasing her with the spider. 

"JOSEPH WALKER! YOU KILL THAT SPIDER RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME I WILL TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING SECRET!" Joe glared at his sister trying to see if she was bluffing. He had chased her into the kitchen now and she was hiding behind a chair. Nick and Matt were silently watching the exchange between the siblings.

"You wouldn't" Isabelle smirked at her brother. A terrifying one that reminded him of Lauren after she pulled a prank. 

"Try me" Joe quickly opened the window and flung the spider out. Showing his spider free hands to his sister. She grinned. "Thank you Joe-Joe" She said in a sing-song voice as she walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Joe-Joe?" Matt asked trying not to laugh, while Nick was itching to grab his phone and tweet about the new found nickname. Joe just glared at his friends while Isabelle smiled shyly. 

"Yeah its what I used to call Joe when we were kids. I'm sorry but who are you?" Isabelle didn't want to be rude to her brothers roommates but embarrassing him was too much fun.

"Oh sorry Isabelle, these are my roommates Nick and Matt Lang. Guys this is my little sister Isabelle" Isabelle rolled her eyes at her brother and pushed her long brown hair out of her eyes and reached out her hand for them to shake. 

"So you're the famous sister Isabelle" Nick said "Joe is always talking about you." Nick smirked at Joe. He was enjoying this. 

"Does he now?" Joe glared at Nick and his sister. 

"Oh shut up you two. Now Izzy all my friends are coming over tonight do you want to stay and meet them or do you have other plans?" 

"Wait... You have friends?" Isabelle laughed at the glare Joe was once again giving her while Matt and Nick howled with laughter behind Joe.

"I'll take that as a yes. The team's going to be here any minute so prepare yourself." Isabelle nodded just as there was a knock at the door. 

 Okay so this was the first chapter of what will hopefully be a long story. Please let me know in the comments if you want a certain pairing or if you even want romance at all in this fanfic. Thank you and keep reading. Hugs and Butterfly Kisses to you all


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