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Since I have creative writing class I might as well get some practice :v lol this is a perfect excuse to try writing (and reading) again

So what will this consist of?
Short fics mainly on the interactions between:

duos, trios or the whole team

individually or whole team. whether just Speedy, Bea or both at the same time

Cadet–Rival / Rival–Rival
ohohoho I'm excited to try writing this one

maybe there's gonna be about the teachers, islanders, family members, etc. too
Will decide later if I want to include OCs or not (maybe no, but idk)

Their friendship is so good but sometimes the show doesn't highlight on that much, so there will be headcanons of my own that I'll try to fit in.

The characters are probably older than they are in the show. especially the young/ kid ones; cadets are teenagers most likely

These will all be platonic, no ship involved. With the exception of Speedy and Bea maybe, I'll mention in the chapters if there are romantic interactions or whatnot. I'm no good in writing romance (*laughs in aro* /hj) so expect less of it lmaoo

also open to criticism, opinions and ideas so feel free to roast my writing in every chapter :v Or give me nice feedback, that is very much appreciated as well :'> i'm still practising

Thank you for your support! ✨

Will I write wholesome fluff? Pure angst? Cringe? yea idk

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