Sleepy [Bea & Speedy]

373 14 4

Words: 600

for Lion_Queen_21
hope you like it :] these tired precious birbs deserve a good rest (meanwhile I lose sleep thinking about them nyehe)

Beams of sunlight pierced through the window pane. A subtle buzzing sound can be heard underneath a pillow, sandwiched between the mattress and the head of the navy-white feathered bird. Strands of hair feathers scattered across his forehead, some covering his still-asleep face.

The vibrating stopped briefly, then continued shortly after. After a few minutes, there was only the sound of the resting bird's breathing.

Knock knock.

Knock. Knock. Knock.


Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock.


No response.

"Speeedy. Wake up," the door opened slightly and the teal brim of a cap poked in, followed by the head of the wearer herself.

"I'm coming in."

"Hmm," was the only reply she received.

Bea entered the room, examining the quite disorganized state it was in; his tie was on the floor, jacket left hanging on the chair, shoes probably kicked off near the bed and the clutter of items on his work space. She made her way to Speedy's bed in the middle of the room. It was somewhat oval-shaped, as how all the other beds looked like in the academy.

Speedy was laying down on his stomach, still in his clothes from the day before. His legs were dangling from the side, which Bea could deduce that after finishing his work on his desk, the bird literally collapsed onto the bed last night. Who knows how many hours of sleep he had actually gotten.

"We have class this morning."

"I don't go to school anymore," Speedy replied, slurring through his words.

"I meant to teach. You're a teacher."

"5 more minutes, mom."

Bea scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. She knew Speedy was usually a light sleeper compared to herself, so he must've been awfully exhausted.

"C'mon, get up sleepyhead. I told you not to stay up too late working on those documents," Bea lightly shook her sleeping friend's shoulder.

"Alright mom. I'm.. I'm awake."

"Your eyes are closed. Also stop calling me mom."

"Okay, mom."

Speedy turned around, yet still showing no sign of being awake. Bea put her hands on her hips and pouted. She thought about how to wake up sleeping beauty over here, and took a deep breath.

"Young man, if you aren't out of bed by this second, so help me, I will make sure you never see the light of day ever again!"

Speedy's body jolted as he sat up, startled by Bea's stern tone of voice.

"Y-yes mom! I mean sir, uh ma'am I mean... huh?"

"Good morning! Sorry I came barging into your room like this. I tried calling your tablet but I guess you had it on silent. Anyway, class starts in about 5 minutes, so you better get dressed. I understand you're tired but I can't just tell the cadets that you're sleeping in."

Speedy rubbed his eyes, still feeling dazed after the sudden rouse. Seeing him like that, Bea started regretting whether it was too harsh of her to do so. If it were her, she thought, 'Speedy wouldn't have woken me up like that... except maybe for that one time.'

The yellow-feathered bird decided to leave the room for her friend to get ready, before stopping at the door.

"But maybe we can have a brief class today. We'll let the cadets train new moves on their vehicles so you can get some early rest. Sounds good?" she prompted and turned around to face her friend, giving him a reassuring smile.

Instead she was returned with the sight of the bird wrapped up in a blanket, face already buried in the pillow.


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