No One Can Hear You Scream [Bea & Rod]

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Words: 640
contrary to the somewhat creepy title, this story is wholesome

Rod wiped the bead of sweat off his forehead, taking in deep breaths of air as its dewy scent still lingered. The cadet was offered a water bottle from the instructor beside him, which he happily accepted. They had arrived at the tracks outside of the academy, enjoying the view after a jog around the jungle. Sunrise painted the sky in hues of orange and red, reflecting its rays onto the horizon.


Bea looked over to the rooster, who had his wings desperately cupped over his beak. Not long after, he let go with a sigh, noticing the teacher's attention towards him.

"Sorry..." he promptly apologized.

"Don't worry about it, Rod," Bea reassured, patting the rooster on the back.

"I know we've been through this whole problem already, that there's a better time and place so I don't wake people up and all that," Rod paused before continuing, "but when I see the sunrise in summer, there's always this feeling inside me and I can't help but sing. And let me tell you, when I can't, I feel so.. empty." He clutched onto his shirt where his heart would be.

"Well, until I get to sing that is."

Rod finished his rambling. He wouldn't care if Bea didn't take him seriously, he just wanted to let out his frustration. He knew he could just sing at other times, why be selfish and disturb everyone else? Sure, back at the farm, it was normal for the roosters to crow. But this wasn't the farm.

"Is it only in summer?"

Bea's sudden question had cut off Rod's thoughts. He gave her a confused look.

"What is?"

"That feeling you mentioned. Does it only happen in summer?"

Rod took a moment before he replied, "Well, not really. I sometimes feel like crowing every time I wake up, but I can manage. Summer sunrise is just special. Like really, look at that! Isn't it amazing?"

The cadet excitedly gestured at the scenery. It didn't have much difference than the other plethora of times Bea had seen it before in her morning routine, but she did agree it was beautiful regardless. She placed her chin on the water bottle, seemingly in thought. Rod, on the other hand, mentally prepared himself for a lecture he was probably about to receive.

"Then let's sing."

"Yeah I—wait what?"

"Boomerang your Rooster Booster out here. We're gonna have a little daybreak karaoke session."


Bea hopped out of the sidecar, followed by Rod dismounting his motorcycle.

"Um, Bea. Why are we here?"

Rod looked around the area that Bea led them to. There were rocky formations that formed bulky cliffs, and a large canyon in between. It reminded him of when he almost got caught in a rockslide a year ago due to his own fault.

"Like I said before. To sing~!"

Bea exclaimed in a sing-song tone as she stretched her wings out.

"Here?! Remember the last time I went singing at the canyons?"

"I don't think anyone would forget that," Bea chuckled. "Don't worry, this place won't crumble into pieces just because of some rooster's loud voice,"

"But—" the cadet turned his head, glancing around at the area once again, "—this place looks exactly like the one I went to!"

"Oh, but it's not."


"There aren't any stray rocks on top of the cliffs."

"I...guess so?"

Bea came up to Rod and put her wing on his shoulder. "Trust me Rod, don't worry. This canyon's structure is sturdy. I even tested it out myself in the past weeks,"

"You've been here?"

"Yep, sometimes we all need a good scream. Maybe a lot of times.." Bea said, muttering the last few words. She glanced to the side as she walked towards the edge of the canyon. "This place is huge and far away from the islanders, no one can hear you scream even if you tried."

"Uhh, usually I'd be worried by that last part," Rod's frown turned into a smile, "but in this case, let's cockadoodle-do this!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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