Backup Training [Penny & Rod]

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Words: 456

love these two and their interesting dynamic. anyway, this concludes the three back to back Rod-centric fics lmao


"You're doing great, Penny! Your driving's improved since last time,"

"See, I just needed more practice is all,"

Penny's flippers were steady on the Road Wing's steering wheel, focusing on the road. Rod was tagging along in the sidecar, enjoying the jungle scenery.

"I guess there really is nothing for me to worry about. You're ready as land cadet backup anytime,"

Rod leaned back into his seat. A few days ago, he had been anxious to even watch Penny sit on the driver's seat. But now she's proven to have the vehicle under control, with help from all the training she insisted on doing.

"But I'm still the cadet in charge of land rescues,"

"And I'll stick with underwater rescues. Unless you wanna trade roles sometime?"

"N-no. I'll pass," Rod shook his head, waving off her offer. This lead to a chuckle from both of them.

"We should head back to HQ. Speedy did tell us we're learning a new lesson today," Rod said, but Penny didn't seem to hear him.

"So you.. turn.. hit the breaks..." Penny mumbled, as if rehearsing something. Her eyes shifted from the road to the steering wheel and pedals instead. With the steady acceleration the car was going, they were heading straight towards the thick jungle trees.

"Uhh Penny, I think we better slow down on that corner," Rod spoke, flailing his wing at her for her attention, but to no avail. This time, the penguin seemed to purposely ignore his warning.

"Hey— are you listening?"

The vehicle showed no sign of slowing.

"Penny, the corner— PENNY—"

With a sharp twist of the wheel and a step on the brakes, the vehicle spun in an almost 180°. There was a screeching noise, although it was difficult to conclude whether the sound came from the tyres or the white feathered rooster.

"That's what I call a drift turn, penguin style! " Penny exclaimed, proud of herself.

Rod, on the other hand, stayed frozen in his seat, bracing himself for dear life. It took a few seconds before the dread faded away from his face.

He let out a sigh of relief and muttered to himself, 'Penny really doesn't know how to take it slow.'

"How was that, Rod?" Penny asked expectantly, not minding the bewildered look from Rod.

".. Promise me you won't do that again. At least, not until you've had actual 180-degree-turn training with Speedy and Bea,"

His genuine concern was returned with a light-hearted giggle. "Sorry. But I think you're qualified enough to train me,"

Rod gave Penny a weak smile. 

"Heh, maybe someday I will be..."

Despite the previous panic rush his friend had caused, Rod couldn't help but be amused by her.

"...for now, let's just go home, safely."

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