Chapter One (prologue)

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    ''Hi. My name is Haley Brown and I'm 17 years old. My psychologist said I would heal faster if I wrote about myself, so this is what I'm doing. I just finished unpacking in my new house, here in Sydney, and I feel dead. I'm extremely tired from all the flights and the packing/unpacking, but I finally got ''home''. At least it's what they call it...
    I'm living with my mum, Joan Brown, and my brother, Chad Brown. I had to move here because of the ''little accident'' that caused me to have a complete meltdown. Even though this is just paper, I can't even think about it yet. I was getting ready to give up...
    The thing that hurt me the most about leaving my old town was having to deal with the fact that I couldn't bring my boyfriend, Simon Foster, with me, because out of everything else, he was the only one that made me less sad after everything that happened. I had no friends, except for Mia Wilson, but yeah... ''The accident'' happened. I had no family also, and my life wasn't that great. My mum said we only had to move because she had a job offer, but we all know that's a lie. My mental state wasn't the best, and they had to do something about it, so it was settled that we should live in the most far away country there is.
    I'm not going to try hard to make friends or make people to like me, and I don't possibly care about what they'll think of me. The only thing I'll focus on is on my work at school, and my distant relationship with Simon.''

   I put down the pen in my new desk and closed the notebook. I combed my hair into a ''not too tight'' ponytail and layed on my bed.

    I had a window just beside it, and the view wasn't that great. I could see my neighbour's window and garden, which wasn't anything that good to see. There was nothing else to do, and the sky was getting dark, so I just threw myself inside the sheets and fell asleep.


 -Honey, wake up!

    My mum's voice echoed from the kitchen. I slowly got up and thought about what I was going to wear. It's January and it's the first day of school... Great.

    Here in Australia, things are a lot different from where I came. Here, the school year starts in late January and ends in mid December, and it has 4 terms. At the end of each term, there's only two weeks of vacation. This is going to be hell for me.

 -Excited about your first day of school, honey?

    Her abusive use of the word 'honey' was killing me, but I tried to hide my despair and continued normally.

 -No, mum. We just got here... It's way too hot to have classes. I'm extremely tired and the time-zones aren't helping. Do you think I can be excited?
 -Sorry, but you have to go...
 -I know, I know. -I mumbled.

    I ran to the shower just to get it over with. After approximately 20 minutes, I went down the stairs to find my mum finishing my breakfast.

 -Have you talked to Simon yet?
 -Yes, he texted me while I was in the shower. He's going to bed now.

    The worst thing about all of this was the time. I had no way of communicating to Simon because when I got up in the morning, he would go to sleep and when he got up, I would be already sleeping. It's going to be tough on us, but we have to keep trying.

 -Here's your breakfast. Hurry up so we can get there earlier, I need to talk to your teacher.

    I did what she asked and in a few minutes, I was ready to leave. I had my backpack with only a few notebooks to write something down if I have to, but nothing much. I picked up my cellphone and my keys, and in no time we were walking out of the house.

    In a matter of minutes, we were there. The building was big, but it actually looked cozy. There were a lot of people in groups and others on the side, like me. My mum and I made our way to the entrance of the school. The bell rang just as I was getting inside, and with the help of a teacher, I found my classroom.

    I got inside and sat at the back, in hopes no one would see me getting in. I'm not the most sociable person, and if I can ignore all kinds of human interactions, I will. Almost no one was in already, and the ones who were, were too busy talking about their crushes, vacations, blah blah blah...

 -Hi everyone, please close the door... Come on, sit down. We need to start now if you want to get out of here earlier...

    The students were now all in their places and there was a silence filling the room.

 -Hi. My name is Robert and I'll be your English teacher this year. You can call me whatever you want, as long as you don't offend me or anyone else. This is my motto... Here, we'll be able to speak up about anything that you want, without offending or being rude to anyone.

    He gave a half hour long presentation about how ''liberal'' he is.

 -And I heard we have a new student in this class... She's foreign, apparently, and her name is Haley Brown... Haley Brown, where are you?

    Shit. Already putting me on the spotlight.

 -Uhm, I'm here.
 -Oh, hi. In case you need anything, we're known for being very friendly to each other.

    I tried not to say much since talking isn't my best virtue. I tried to ignore the ''oh, the new one'' kind of conversations, and all the looks I was being given, and focused on what Professor Robert had to say.


*-Hey mum, can you come pick me up at school?
 -Sure. I'll be there in five.*

    I was walking out of the school, going through the hallways, when a nerdy kind of boy interrupted me. He was a lot taller than anyone I have ever seen, and he had blue eyes hidden behind those hideous pair of glasses.

 -Hey... Haley, right?
 -Hi, I'm Lucas Hemmings. I'm in your class... I just wanted to introduce myself in case you need anyone to talk to.
 -Oh, thanks. That's really sweet of you.

    He gave me a sweet smile and I stepped away, making my way outside. I noticed a beautiful brunette walk past by me and meet this guy, Lucas... I looked back and she was already looking at me. She smiled and I smiled back as I walked towards the exit.

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter for this new fanfiction. I'm not going to update it a lot in the beggining because I'm still finishing my other fic ''Promise Me''. I added the trailer and there's a small video of all the characters also on my YouTube channel so you can check it out. Feel free to vote and comment on whatever you want. I will gladly answer every comment that I can.
Love you all a lot! :3

neighbour - (5SOS/mc fic) PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now