Chapter Four

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    It's Saturday afternoon and I'm lying on my bed, glued to my computer like the usual. I heard a knock on the front door and after a few seconds, my mum was calling me.

 -Haley! Your friend is here!

    I shut down my computer and run downstairs.

 -Hi Lucas!

    I got closer to him and gave him a simple hug.

 -Hi. Ready for one hour of maths? -he smiled.
 -Not really, but I'll try...
 -Where can I put my things?
 -Uh, let's go to the living room.
 -Actually, honey... Maybe it's better if you go to your room. I'll be finishing a few things here, and I'll probably be loud. It won't be good for you two. -my mum said while looking at me.

    I rolled my eyes to my mum, making sure Lucas didn't see it, and my mum smiled. She's doing this on purpose...

 -Yeah, it might be better if it's in your room. -Lucas said.
 -Uh, okay...

     I started going upstairs and made sure Lucas was following me. I showed him around the house, and finally, we got in my room.

 -Sorry if it's untidy... It's not finished yet.
 -It looks finished. What's missing?
 -Colour... I still want to paint a wall, but I'm not sure which colour... Probably blue or lilac. And then my posters are missing and all the things that I want to decorate my wall with.
 -Like what?
 -I love movies so I'll put on some movie posters, and then I'll start making a wall with just pictures... Of my old life, you know. My boyfriend and Mia.

    He sat on my bed and kept on looking to the blank wall I was looking too.

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 -It might be a bad idea.
 -You should start thinking of your new life, not your old one. Even though you have a boyfriend and a friend who is still there, you need to fill your wall with some hope too.
 -First of all, I need to have pictures of my boyfriend. He's really special to me... And Mia... She's... Uh, she's... Dead.
 -Oh, I'm so sorry!

    He immediately got up and held me in his arms.

 -It's okay... I already got used to the idea.
 -I'm sorry, I didn't know... But to be honest, it's even worse if you put up pictures of her too.

    I looked at him, and in my mind, I agreed with his words.

 -You should start making new friends and enjoying the life you'll have here. Don't live on the past...

    Lucas made his way to the bed again, and sat exactly where he sat before.

 -I won't make any friends... I'm extremely shy and I'm not that good with people.
 -It's okay, I'll help you. I'm shy too, but my friends helped me with that problem. -he paused and looked at me.- I always see you alone at school, but there's no need to. You can hang with our group... We're all misfits, so there's no worries.
 -Yeah... I'm the nerd one, as you can see. Then there's Calum and Filipa, who are the athletes of the group. Alexis is called ''innocent'' by almost every person in the school and Jess is the ''rebel'' one. And then there's Ashton...
 -Ashton? Who is he?
 -He doesn't go to our school... He's already at the university. But he's really cool. See? We're all different from each other. Promise you'll make an effort to hang with us...

    I looked into his eyes and shyly smiled.

 -Sure... I will.
-Should we start now? -his smile was full of excitement.
-Yeah, we need to.

    I grabbed my books and my notebook, and he started on trying to understand which were the specific problems I had.

    After approximately one hour and a half, we finnaly finished the first class.

-You're not that bad... You just needed a little practice. -Lucas giggled and fixed his glasses.
-Thank you so much for this time you spent teaching me.
- It's okay... I'm actually glad it's with you, it would be worse if it was with my mum's students. And if you ever need help, don't hesitate to call me. Even if it's to paint that blank wall, okay?

    We both smiled.

- Sure, I'll give you a call.

    Lucas got up and started heading towards to my bedroom door, but he stopped right in front of it.

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- There's a party tonight at Ashton's place... Do you want to come? I'll pick you up at nine.
-A party? You know I'm not good with people...
-I'll be there... And the rest of the group will be there too. I won't leave you alone. Plus, it's good for you.
- Are you sure?
- Yes. I'll text you with more information once I get home. I'll have to pick up Michael anyway...
-Okay, I'll go.

     He started grinning while looking at me in the eye.

-You won't regret it, I promise.

    I guided him into the front door and I saw my mum sitting on the couch, watching TV.

-Mum? Weren't you supposed to be doing something?
-Oh,uh... -I noticed she was acting a bit clumsy now- Yes, I was... Doing stuff... I'm just resting now.

     Lucas chuckled.

 -Bye Haley, don't forget to get ready for tonight. I'll be here at nine.
 -I won't forget. See you later...

     I smiled, and as he smiled back, I closed the door.

 -Is it a date?

    My mum jumped out of the couch.

 -No! It's a party...
 -Wait, isn't he too much of a nerd to go to a party?
 -Apparently he isn't.

    My mum looked at me in shock, jokingly.

 -I know, I thought he wasn't this kind of guy either... -I giggled.
 -Anyway... Try not to come home late. Tomorrow the Clifford's are coming over for that lunch I promised.
 -The house isn't finished yet.
 -But it's almost. And I feel like I owe them that... They have been helping us a lot.

     I agree with that... Karen and Daryl have been helping us with furniture and somethings we need to do around here. They spent a lot of time with us, so I guess it's time to give it back.

 -Apparently I'll meet their son tonight... He's going to the party as well.
 -Oh good. I'm sure he's a good guy, right? To be their son...
 -Probably another nerd. -I laughed.

     I heard my phone buzzing upstairs and so I went to get it. I had a text from Lucas.

From: Lucas
Message: It's settled. I'll be at your place at 9pm. You need to be dressed in all black, can you do it?

neighbour - (5SOS/mc fic) PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now